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Version: 1.7.0


If you are using TaxBandits API to send Transactions and then generate 1099s using the transactions data, then this endpoint will be applicable to you. This endpoint is used to approve the draft 1099-NEC forms generated by TaxBandits. Once the returns are approved you will be able to transmit these 1099-NEC using the Transmit method of the 1099-NEC API.

POST Form1099NEC/Approve 
Run in Postman

Request Body

SubmissionIdGuidUnique identifier of a submission.
RecordIdsGuid[]List of record Ids to get the Approved Form 1099-NEC.

Request JSON

"SubmissionId": "ed4eb5c4-cc6a-4b34-8253-ac326674fb41",
"RecordIds": [

Response Body

SubmissionIdGuidUnique identifier of a submission.
Form1099NECRecordsobjectContains Form 1099NEC records that are approved.
    SuccessRecordsobject[]Contains detailed information of Form 1099 NECs that were successfully approved.
        RecordIdstringUnique identifier of a record
        StatusGuidStatus of the 1099-NEC.
        StatusTsGuidReturns date and time of return created.
    ErrorRecordsobject[]Contains the list of errors
        PayeeRefstringUnique identifier of the recipient. Set by the client.
        RecipientIdGuidUnique identifier of the recipient. Generated by TaxBandits.
        Errorsobject[]Shows detailed error information
            IdstringReturns the validation error Id
            NamestringName of the validation error
            MessagestringDescription of the validation error
Errorsobject[]Shows the detailed error information
    IdstringValidation error Id
    NamestringName of the validation error
    MessagestringDescription of the validation error

Response JSON

Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.

"SubmissionId": "ed4eb5c4-cc6a-4b34-8253-ac326674fb41",
"Form1099NECRecords": {
"SuccessRecords": [
"RecordId": "f53d6303-9d48-4ed8-8d4a-5b6713392e47",
"Status": "CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-12-03 03:06:58 -05:00"
"RecordId": "7d403f42-3533-41bd-9c9e-c2cb6f1cb365",
"Status": "CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-12-03 03:06:58 -05:00"
"ErrorRecords": null
"Errors": null