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Version: 1.7.3


You can use this endpoint if you want to deactivate the secure URL generated for the payer.

GET WhCertificate/Expirelink 
Run in Postman

Request Params

BusinessIdGuidTaxBandits Unique Business Identifier. This ID is generated by TaxBandits after you create a business in your account using the Business endpoint.
TINstringOptional Taxpayer Identification Number. Use this as an alternative for BusinessId or PayerRef.
Size Range: 9-11
Allowed values

"EIN", "SSN" (Including hyphen)

DBAIdGuidUnique Identifier for the DBA.

Request Params

Expire the secure URL generated for the payer.


Response Body

BusinessIdGuidUnique identifier of a Business.
MessagestringShows the status of secure URL link
Errorsobject[]Collection of errors for the Recipient
   IdstringError ID number. This ID is assigned by TaxBandits and it is unique for each error.
   NamestringName of the errored node.
   MessagestringShows the error message

Request JSON

"BusinessId": "61536213-43f7-4a75-ba8c-c464f5069b8c",
"Message": "WhCertificate URL for the business has expired",
"Errors": null