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Webhook Delivery Failure

  • When our system tries to deliver the Notification to your Webhook URL, the callback URL is expected to return an HTTP 200 response code.
  • If we do not receive 200 as the response code, our system will try to post the webhook notification at several intervals (within 24 hours) to the Webhook URL. At each failed attempt, an email will be sent to the "Notify email" you provided while adding the Callback URL.
  • After 9 failed attempts, our system will stop trying, and it will mark the Webhook as Limit Reached, and you will receive a notification email. The corresponding Webhook URL will be made inactive.

To reactivate the Webhook URL, you must follow the below steps:

  • Log in to the console site and navigate to Settings >> Webhook.
  • Click the “Send Test Notification” button against the URL
  • A sample Webhook will be posted to the URL
  • If we receive an HTTP 200 response code, the URL will be made Active again

How to see the Webhook log in console?

Step 1: Login to the console site Reports –> API Logs

Step 2: Under the API Logs section, click on Webhook Logs. Here, all your webhook logs under each event type added will be listed.