This endpoint can be used to list the W-9s under a particular business. If you do not have the BusinessId, you can use the TIN to refer the business.
The W-9s can be filtered based on the W-9 Status and Date Range.
GET FormW9/List
Request Params
Field | Type | Description |
BusinessId | Guid | Optional A unique identifier of a business. If you do not provide the BusinessId in the request, the BusinessId of the default business will be mapped automatically. |
TIN | String | Optional TIN of the business. If you do not have the BusinessId, you can use the TIN to refer to the business. |
W9Status | String | Optional Status of the W-9Allowed values |
Page | int | Optional Page number that needs to be listed in the response. If the value is not given, then the page number will default to 1. |
PageSize | int | Optional Number of W-9 records to be listed on each page. If the value is not given, then the page size will default to 100. Note: PageSize can be maximum of 100. |
FromDate | String | Optional List the W-9 records between the specified date range. Date format - MM/DD/YYYY |
ToDate | String | Optional List the W-9 records between the specified date range. Date format - MM/DD/YYYY |
Request Params
- Sample 1
- Sample 2
- Sample 3
- Sample 4
- Sample 5
List with all valid parameters
List with BusinessID
Requesting to list all W-9 with the given TIN.
List without BusinessID or TIN
List all the W-9s with the ‘Invalid’ status
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
Requester | Object | Requester information. |
BusinessId | Guid | A unique identifier of the business. |
BusinessNm | String | Requester Name. If the requester is a Business, then the Business Name will be returned. If the requester is an Individual, then the Payer’s full name will be returned. |
TINType | String | TIN Type of the requester. |
TIN | String | Taxpayer Identification Number of the requester. |
FormW9Records | Object[] | List of W-9 Records |
SubmissionId | Guid | Submission ID of the original W-9 Request |
DBAId | Guid | Unique Identifier for the DBA. |
DBARef | Guid | Unique identifier for each DBA. This identifier can be used in future references of the DBA in the API |
PayeeRef | String | A unique identifier of the recipient |
Line1Nm | String | Recipient Name as given on the Form W-9 Line 1. |
W9Status | String | Status of the W-9 |
StatusTs | String | Timestamp of the W-9 Status. |
TINMatching | Object | TIN Matching information. |
Status | String | TIN Matching status. |
StatusTs | String | Timestamp of the TIN Matching Status. |
Errors | String | Shows the detailed error message. |
PdfUrl | String | URL to download the completed W-9. Note: This URL will expire in 24 hours. |
String | Email Address of the recipient. This is the email to which the W-9 request was sent. The value will be null if the Form W-9 was requested using the RequestByUrl method. | |
FormW9RequestType | String | Form W-9 requested Type.
TotalRecords | Int | Number of records available for the business |
TotalPages | Int | Total pages available for the business |
Page | Int | Requested Page Number |
PageSize | Int | Requested Page Size |
Errors | Object[] | Detailed error information. |
Id | string | Error ID number. This ID is assigned by TaxBandits and it is unique for each error. |
Name | string | Name of the errored node. |
Message | string | Shows the error message |
Response JSON
- Response 1
- Response 2
- Response 3
- Response 4
- Response 5
The response will list all the W-9s under the given BusinessId and TIN. Here, TIN refers to the TIN of the business.
"Requester": {
"BusinessId": "7746f0cd-e8eb-4428-9240-12ea84160ee8",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "22-2222222"
"FormW9Records": [
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"DBAId": null,
"DBARef": null,
"PayeeRef": "Pe123451234",
"Line1Nm": "ABC Inc",
"W9Status": "COMPLETED",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": """",
"FormW9RequestType": "URL_API"
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"PayeeRef": "Pe543221234",
"Line1Nm": "Seve Smith",
"W9Status": "COMPLETED",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "SUCCESS",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": "",
"FormW9RequestType": "Email_API"
"TotalRecords": 2,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 10,
"Errors": null
The response will list all the W-9s that fall under the given BusinessId.
"Requester": {
"BusinessId": "7746f0cd-e8eb-4428-9240-12ea84160ee8",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "22-2222222"
"FormW9Records": [
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"DBAId": null,
"DBARef": null,
"PayeeRef": "Pe123451234",
"Line1Nm": "ABC Inc",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "ORDER_CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": """",
"FormW9RequestType": "URL_API"
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"PayeeRef": "Pe543221234",
"Line1Nm": "Seve Smith",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "ORDER_CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": "",
"FormW9RequestType": "Email_API"
"TotalRecords": 2,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 10,
"Errors": null
The W-9s corresponding to the given TIN will be listed as an array.
"Requester": {
"BusinessId": "7746f0cd-e8eb-4428-9240-12ea84160ee8",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "22-2222222"
"FormW9Records": [
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"DBAId": null,
"DBARef": null,
"PayeeRef": "Pe123451234",
"Line1Nm": "ABC Inc",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "ORDER_CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": """",
"FormW9RequestType": "URL_API"
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"PayeeRef": "Pe543221234",
"Line1Nm": "Seve Smith",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "ORDER_CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": "",
"FormW9RequestType": "Email_API"
"TotalRecords": 2,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 10,
"Errors": null
Since the requester's information was not given, the system will look up W-9s under default business and return the result.
"Requester": {
"BusinessId": "7746f0cd-e8eb-4428-9240-12ea84160ee8",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "22-2222222"
"FormW9Records": [
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"DBAId": null,
"DBARef": null,
"PayeeRef": "Pe123451234",
"Line1Nm": "ABC Inc",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "ORDER_CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": """",
"FormW9RequestType": "URL_API"
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"PayeeRef": "Pe543221234",
"Line1Nm": "Seve Smith",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "ORDER_CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": null
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": "",
"FormW9RequestType": "Email_API"
"TotalRecords": 2,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 10,
"Errors": null
The response will list all the W9s with the ‘Invalid’ status.
"Requester": {
"BusinessId": "7746f0cd-e8eb-4428-9240-12ea84160ee8",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "22-2222222"
"FormW9Records": [
"SubmissionId": "8487afa2-ff0e-413e-aa41-ba0b328aac93",
"DBAId": null,
"DBARef": null,
"PayeeRef": "Pe123451234",
"Line1Nm": "ABC Inc",
"W9Status": "INVALID",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"TINMatching": {
"Status": "FAILED",
"StatusTs": "2021-06-10 07:16:01 -04:00",
"Errors": [
"Id": "ERR-TINMATCH-007",
"Name": "TIN",
"Message": "SSN should contain 9 digits"
"Id": "ERR-TINMATCH-029",
"Name": "TIN",
"Message": "SSN should be in proper format"
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": """",
"FormW9RequestType": "URL_API"
"TotalRecords": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 1,
"Errors": null