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Version: 1.7.3


This endpoint can be used to retrieve the list of BOI reports created in TaxBandits. You can retrieve the results based on reporting company, report type, SubmissionId, and various other parameters between a specified period.

Run in Postman

Request Params

SubmissionIdGuidSubmissionId is a unique identifier created by TaxBandits for a particular submission.
ReportNumberstringProvide the ReportNumber (a unique identifier created by TaxBandits for a report) to retrieve a particular BOI report.
ReportTypestringProvide the type of BOI Report which needs to be listed.
Allowed values


TINTypestringList the BOIR reports based on the given TINType and TIN of the reporting company.
TINstringList the BOIR reports based on the given TIN of the reporting company.
PagenumberPulls the records listed on the page selected
PageSizenumberNumber of BOIR reports to be listed in each page.
FromDatestringEnter a start date from which the BOIR Reports must be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.
ToDatestringEnter the end date until which the BOIR Reports must be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Request Params

List the BOI reports based on the given parameters.


Response Body

StatusCodenumberReturns the HTTP status codes (e.g., 200, 300, etc.).
StatusNamestringName of the status code.
StatusMessagestringProvides a detailed message for the status code.
ReportTypestringThe type of the report created in the submission.
BOIRRecordsobject[]Pulls BOIR (Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting) records with both Success and Error statuses.
   SubmissionIdGuidReturns the SubmissionId of the report.
   ReportNumbernumberReturns the Report Number for which the request was made.
   ReportingCompanyIdGuidProvides the unique identifier of the Reporting Company for which the request is made.
   LegalNmstringReturns the Legal name of the Reporting company created in the submission.
   TINTypestringProvides the TIN Type provided when creating the report.
   TINstringProvides the TIN of the Reporting company.
   IsCompanyFormedBefore2024booleanReturns the company formation details.
   IsForeignPooledbooleanReturns the Foreign pooled information of the Reporting company as given in the submission.
   CompanyApplicantsobject[]Shows the detailed information of Company Applicants provided in the BOI Report.
      SequenceIdGuidReturns the sequenceId provided in the submission.
      CompanyApplicantIdGuidReturns the unique identifier of the Company Applicant.
      FinCENIDstringReturns the FinCEN Id of the Company Applicant, if provided.
      FirstNmstringReturns the First name of the Company Applicant as given in the submission.
      LastNmstringReturns the Last name of the Company Applicant as given in the submission.
      AttachmentstringReturns the identifying document attached for the Company Applicant in base64 URL format.
   BeneficialOwnersobject[]Shows the detailed information of Beneficial Owners provided in the BOI Report.
      SequenceIdstringReturns the sequenceId provided in the submission.
      BeneficialOwnerIdGuidReturns the unique identifier of the Beneficial Owner.
      BORefStringProvides the unique referenceId of the Beneficial Owner if provided in your request.
Note: This is returned only for the BO/RequestByEmail endpoint.
      FinCENIDstringReturns the FinCEN Id of the Beneficial Owner if provided.
      LegalNmstringReturns the legal name of the Beneficial Owner.
      IsExemptEntitybooleanReturns whether the Beneficial Owner is an Exempt entity.
      ExemptEntityInformationobjectReturns the information of the Beneficial Owner as an Exempt entity.
         EntityLegalNmstringReturns the entity's legal name of the Beneficial Owner as given in the submission.
         IndividualLastNmstringReturns the individual’s last name of the Beneficial Owner as given in the submission.
      FirstNmstringReturns the first name of the Beneficial Owner as given in the submission.
      LastNmstringReturns the last name of the Beneficial Owner as given in the submission.
      AttachmentstringReturns the identifying document attached for the Beneficial Owner in base64 URL format.
Errorsobject[]Provides a collection of error information in the request.
   IdstringReturns the unique error ID assigned by TaxBandits for each error.
   NamestringName of the errored node.
   MessagestringShows the description of the error message.

Response Body

This is a sample response for successful API requests.

"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"ReportType": "INITIAL",
"BOIRRecords": {
"SubmissionId": "45b79a0b-0912-479c-a942-2ae26d023b06",
"ReportNumber": "113186",
"ReportingCompanyId": "18011445-62cb-4b5d-b51d-e2225a638217",
"LegalNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "349756386",
"IsCompanyFormedBefore2024": false,
"IsForeignPooled": false,
"CompanyApplicants": [
"SequenceId": "1",
"CompanyApplicantId": "fdbccb4e-3c62-48d8-8e28-94dc36b0500b",
"FinCENID": null,
"FirstNm": "Shawn",
"LastNm": "Williams",
"Attachment": ""
"BeneficialOwners": [
"SequenceId": "1",
"BeneficialOwnerId": "bfc03776-1d2f-4f80-bd6b-b55d322bbe04",
"BORef": "66fba7f1e0bef3aae8193b13",
"FinCENID": null,
"LegalNm": null,
"IsExemptEntity": false,
"ExemptEntityInformation": {
"EntityLegalNm": null,
"IndividualLastNm": null
"FirstNm": "Chandler",
"LastNm": "Smith",
"Attachment": ""
"Page": 1,
"TotalRecords": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"PageSize": 1,
"Errors": null