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Version: 1.7.3


If you are an ERO (Electronic Return Originator) filing Form 944 on behalf of a client (recipient), the client must sign Form 944. This can be done using Form 8879EMP.

You can use this endpoint to download the 8879EMP Form (with reference to the RecordId) and send it to the client. The client, in turn, will sign the form and return it to you.


In order to use this endpoint, you must have specified the Signature Type as “ERO” in the Create request of Form 944.

The response will return the PDF in a byte array encoded in base64 in the response. You'll need to convert this byte array to a PDF file format. Below is an example code snippet for reference.

The IRS has removed the COVID-related fields in Form 944 for tax year 2024. To refer to the documentation of Form 944 for tax year 2023,click here.

GET Form944/DownloadForm8879EMP  

Request Params

RecordIdGuidUnique identifier of a record.

Request Params

To download the Form 8879 EMP, provide the RecordId of the specific record.


Response Body

StatusCodenumberReturns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc.
StatusNamestringName of the status code.
StatusMessagestringDetailed status message.
RecordIdGuidUnique identifier of a record
Form8879EMPPdfbyte[]Pulls the byte array of Form-8879 pdf records with Success and Error status
Errorsobject[]Shows detailed error information.
IdstringReturns the validation error id.
NamestringName of the validation error.
MessagestringDescription of the validation error.

Response JSON

After verifying the RecordId, Form 8879 EMP will be downloaded.

"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"RecordId": "eed7cf65-088e-4eba-800a-dcd54c0d05bb",
"Form8879EMPPdf": "QEA",
"Errors": null