GET Form1099GCorrection/List
Request Params
Field | Type | Description |
SubmissionId | Guid | This is a Unique Identifier of a Submission. Use this node, if you want to list the 1099 G correction records created under a Submission. Ignore this node, if you want to list the records of a particular Payer. |
BusinessId | Guid | This is a Unique Identifier of a Payer. Use this node, if you want to list all the 1099 G correction records created under the Payer. Ignore this node, if you want to list the records for a Submission. |
TINType | string | Mention TIN type and TIN, if you do not have Business ID and want to list all the 1099 G correction records created under a Payer. Allowed Values : "EIN" ,"SSN" |
TIN | string | Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number of the Payer is required only when you have not provided the SubmissionId or the BusinessId. |
TaxYear | string | Enter the specific tax year for the list of 1099 G correction Records. If the tax year is not given, all tax year records will be listed. |
Page | number | Mention the page number that needs to be listed in the Response. If the value is not given, the page will be defaulted to 1. |
PageSize | number | Provide a numerical value to list the total number of Form 1099 G correction records in each page. If the value is not given, then the page size will be defaulted to 100. Note: PageSize can be maximum of 100. |
EfileStatus | string | Mention Form 1099 G correction record status that needs to be listed. If the value is not given, then records with all the statuses will be listed. |
FromDate | string | Enter a date from which the Form 1099 G correction records need to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
ToDate | string | Enter a date till which the 1099 G correction records created are to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Request Params
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
StatusCode | number | Returns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc. |
StatusName | string | Submission Status |
StatusMessage | string | Status Details |
Form1099Type | string | Denotes the type of 1099 form. |
Form1099Records | object[] | It contains list of 1099-G Correction records. |
SubmissionId | Guid | Unique Identifier of a Payer. |
BusinessId | Guid | Unique identifier of a business. |
BusinessNm | string | Payer's Name. |
FirstNm | string | First Name of the Individual |
MiddleNm | string | Middle Name of the Individual |
LastNm | string | Last Name of the Individual |
Suffix | string | Suffix of the Individual |
ContactNm | string | Contact Name of the Payer. |
TaxYear | string | Tax year of the 1099 G correction records. |
Recipient | object | Recipient Details. |
SequenceId | string | Sequence ID of the 1099 G correction record provided during CREATE or UPDATE |
RecordId | Guid | Unique identifier of the 1099 G correction record. |
RecipientId | Guid | Unique identifier of the Recipient. |
RecipientNm | Boolean | Recipient's Name. |
FirstNm | string | First Name of the Individual |
MiddleNm | string | Middle Name of the Individual |
LastNm | string | Last Name of the Individual |
Suffix | string | Suffix of the Individual |
TIN | string | Recipient's TIN. |
Status | string | Record Status of Form 1099 G correction. |
FederalReturn | object | Returns the record status and StatusTs of federal return. |
Status | string | Returns the record status. |
StatusTs | string | Returns date and time of return created. |
Info | string | Returns information about the Federal Filing service. |
Errors | object[] | Shows error information of federal returns of Form 1099 G correction. |
StateReturns | object[] | Returns collection of state returns information |
Postal | object | Returns the status and StatusTs of postal mailing service for Form 1099 G correction. |
Status | string | Returns the status of postal order. |
StatusTs | string | Returns the date and time of the postal order created. |
Info | string | Returns the information about Postal mailing service. |
OnlineAccess | object | Returns the Email address for whom the online access to be given and Status of online access. |
Status | string | Returns status of online access for Form 1099 G correction return. |
string | Email address for whom the online access to be given. | |
Info | string | Information about the online access service. |
TotalRecords | number | Total number of records. |
TotalPages | number | Total number of pages. |
Page | number | Pulls the records listed in the page selected |
PageSize | number | Total 1099 G correction records in the page. |
Errors | object[] | Shows detailed error information |
Id | string | Returns the validation error id |
Name | string | Name of the validation error |
Message | string | Description of the validation error |
Response JSON
Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.
"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"Form1099Type": "GCorrection",
"Form1099Records": [
"SubmissionId": "a651ff20-0bfe-4961-a179-34abd86845fc",
"BusinessId": "a9814756-758f-48ad-b039-c6d3bcc49866",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"EINorSSN": "65-7369245",
"ContactNm": null,
"TaxYear": "2024",
"Recipient": {
"SequenceId": "001",
"RecordId": "574e9b24-29ac-42c3-a61e-49ef627bf384",
"RecipientId": "292bc96c-218c-49f7-aaaf-9c7a92f5d933",
"RecipientNm": "Dairy Delights LLC",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"TINType": "SSN",
"TIN": "242-24-7572",
"Status": null,
"FederalReturn": {
"Status": "CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2024-07-01 05:40:37 -04:00",
"Info": null,
"Errors": null
"StateReturns": [
"StateCd": "PA",
"Status": "NA",
"StatusTs": null,
"Info": "We do not support State filing corrections. It is your responsibility to file to the state, If there are any state specific information to be corrected.",
"Errors": null
"StateCd": "AZ",
"Status": "NA",
"StatusTs": null,
"Info": "We do not support State filing corrections. It is your responsibility to file to the state, If there are any state specific information to be corrected.",
"Errors": null
"Postal": null,
"OnlineAccess": {
"Status": "NA",
"Email": null,
"Info": "This Service will be available soon"
"SubmissionId": "45d1a2c2-bf72-4616-ac90-aa919b373637",
"BusinessId": "a9814756-758f-48ad-b039-c6d3bcc49866",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"EINorSSN": "65-7369245",
"ContactNm": null,
"TaxYear": "2023",
"Recipient": {
"SequenceId": "001",
"RecordId": "4b5e78fe-5dce-420d-a5c6-f1926aa1ec89",
"RecipientId": "292bc96c-218c-49f7-aaaf-9c7a92f5d933",
"RecipientNm": "Dairy Delights LLC",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"TINType": "SSN",
"TIN": "242-24-7572",
"Status": null,
"FederalReturn": {
"Status": "CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2024-07-01 05:23:03 -04:00",
"Info": null,
"Errors": null
"StateReturns": [
"StateCd": "PA",
"Status": "NA",
"StatusTs": null,
"Info": "We do not support State filing corrections. It is your responsibility to file to the state, If there are any state specific information to be corrected.",
"Errors": null
"StateCd": "AZ",
"Status": "NA",
"StatusTs": null,
"Info": "We do not support State filing corrections. It is your responsibility to file to the state, If there are any state specific information to be corrected.",
"Errors": null
"Postal": null,
"OnlineAccess": {
"Status": "NA",
"Email": null,
"Info": "This Service will be available soon"
"Page": 1,
"TotalRecords": 2,
"TotalPages": 1,
"PageSize": 100,
"Errors": null