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Version: 1.7.3


Use this endpoint to obtain the list of recipients created within a specified date range. In the request JSON, you must provide the date range and the number of recipients you want to be listed on each page.

GET Recipient/List
Run in Postman

Request Params

BusinessIdGuidUnique identifier of a business.
RecipientIdGuidA unique identifier generated by TaxBandits for a Recipient. You can use this ID for your future reference to Update.
TINTypestringList the recipient records based on the given TIN Type and TIN.
TINstringList the recipient records based on the given TIN.
PagenumberPulls the records listed in the page selected
PageSizenumberNumber of recipient records to be listed in each page.
FromDatestringEnter a date from which the Form recipient records need to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.
ToDatestringEnter a date till which the recipient records created are to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Response Body

BusinessobjectObject to identify the Business Details.
    BusinessIdGuidUnique identifier of a Business.
    BusinessNmstringName of the business.
        FirstNmstringFirst Name of the Individual
        MiddleNmstringMiddle Name of the Individual
        LastNmstringLast Name of the Individual
        SuffixstringSuffix of the Individual
Allowed values

"Jr", "Sr", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII"

    TINTypestringTIN type of the business.
        TINstringTIN of the business.
    PayerRefstringUnique identifier of a Payer.
Recipientobject[]Returns the recipient details.
    RecipientIdGuidA unique identifier generated by TaxBandits for a Recipient. You can use this ID for your future reference to Update.
    TINTypestringTIN type of the Recipient.
    TINstringTIN of the Recipient.
    FirstPayeeNmstringReturns the name of the recipient.
    SecondPayeeNmstringReturns the name of second recipient.
        FirstNmstringFirst Name of the Individual
        MiddleNmstringMiddle Name of the Individual
        LastNmstringLast Name of the Individual
        SuffixstringSuffix of the Individual
Allowed values

"Jr", "Sr", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII"

    PayeeRefstringA unique identifier for each payee completing their information.
    EmailstringEmail address for whom the online access to be given.
TotalRecordsnumberTotal number of records listed in the response.
TotalPagesnumberTotal number of pages.
PagenumberReturns the page number in which the records are listed.
PageSizenumberNumber of records listed in each page.
Errorsobject[]Shows detailed error information.
    IdstringReturns the validation error code.
    NamestringName of the validation error.
    MessagestringDescription of the validation error.


Response Json

Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.
Response: 200
"Business": {
"BusinessId": "177ca4f6-8bae-4b67-afbc-86a24e759831",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"PayerRef": "Snow123",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "03-4624530"
"Recipient": [
"RecipientId": "35b5de7e-64bf-45e1-a782-c16d9d7e72a3",
"TINType": "SSN",
"TIN": "327-55-9984",
"FirstpayeeNm": null,
"SecondpayeeNm": null,
"FirstNm": "Shawn",
"LastNm": "Williams",
"MiddleNm": "B",
"Suffix": "IV",
"PayeeRef": null,
"Email": ""
"TotalRecords": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 100,
"Errors": null