Retrieves the Form 1095C & 1094C return information based on the Submission ID given in the request.
GET Form1095C/Get
Request Params
Field | Type | Description |
SubmissionId | Guid | Unique identifier of a submission |
Request Params
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
StatusCode | number | Returns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc. |
StatusName | string | Name of the status code. |
StatusMessage | string | Detailed status message. |
SubmissionManiFest | object | SubmissionManiFest provides brief information about a particular submission on the whole. It contains information like Submission ID, Tax Year & Employee Count. |
SubmissionId | Guid | Unique identifier created by TaxBandits for each submission. Not required when you are creating a return. |
TaxYr | string | Tax year of the return. Refer static values. Allowed values: "2021", "2022", "2023" |
IsFederalFiling | Boolean | This value must be set as True in order to have Form 1095C filed to the IRS. |
IsPostal | Boolean | If this value is set as True, the postal mailing service will be opted for all the employees included in the submission. Once the returns are transmitted, the 1095C form copies will be mailed to the employee address via USPS. Note: Postal Orders for Foreign Address will not be created. |
IsOnlineAccess | Boolean | If this value is set as True, the Online Access service will be enabled for all the employees included in the submission. Once the returns are transmitted, an email with a link to the secure TaxBandits portal will be sent to the employees. The employees can then provide consent and download Form 1095C copies from the portal. The Online Access portal can be customized with your logo. |
ACAForms | object | Contains Information of the aca forms 1094C and 1095C. |
ReturnHeader | object | Contains information that applies to the entire tax return. |
Business | object | Object to identify the Business Details. |
BusinessId | Guid | Use the unique Business ID (Generated by TaxBandits), you received in the response of the Business CREATE Endpoint. If you do not have a Business ID, ignore the field. By giving the Business ID, you do not have to provide all the business information again. |
BusinessNm | string | Name of the business Size Range: ..75 |
TradeNm | string | Optional Name under which the business operates Size Range: ..75 |
IsEIN | Boolean | When true, identifies the business with an EIN. |
EINorSSN | string | When IsEIN is true, use Employer Identification Number (EIN). When IsEIN is false, use Social Security Number (SSN). Size Range: 9-11 |
string | Email address of the Business Size Range: ..100 | |
ContactNm | string | Optional Name of the person who can be contacted by the IRS. Size Range: ..27 |
Phone | string | Contact number of the business with area code. Size Range: 10 |
PhoneExtn | string | Optional Extension number of the business phone number. Size Range: ..5 |
Fax | string | Optional Fax number of the Business. Size Range: 10 |
BusinessType | string | Optional Type of business. Optional for W-2/1099 and mandatory for 94X series. Size Range: 4 Allowed values |
SigningAuthority | object | Optional Details of the person who is authorized to sign the return |
Name | string | Optional Name of the signing authority. Size Range: ..35 |
Phone | string | Optional Phone number of the authorized signatory. Size Range: 10 |
BusinessMemberType | string | Optional Business title of the authorized signatory. Size Range: 5..29 Allowed values |
KindOfEmployer | string | Identifies the kind of employer. Mandatory for W-2 and optional for 1099-MISC and 94X seriesAllowed values |
KindOfPayer | string | Identifies the kind of payer. This field is mandatory in W-2 and optional in 1099-MISC and 94X seriesAllowed values |
IsBusinessTerminated | Boolean | When true, identifies the business as terminated. |
IsForeign | Boolean | When true, identifies the business address with a foreign address. |
USAddress | object | If IsForeign is false, pass US address of the business |
Address1 | string | Address of the Employer/Payer (street address or post office box of that locality) Size Range: ..46 |
Address2 | string | Optional Suite or apartment number of the Employer/Payer. Size Range: ..46 |
City | string | City where the Employer/Payer is based out of. Size Range: ..50 |
State | string | Name of the state where the Employer/Payer is based out of. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
ZipCd | string | Zip Code the State where the Employer/Payer is based out of. Size Range: 5..10 |
ForeignAddress | object | If IsForeign is true, pass foreign address of the business |
Address1 | string | Address of the Employer/Payer (street address or post office box of that locality). Size Range: ..50 |
Address2 | string | Optional Suite or apartment number of the Employer/Payer. Size Range: ..50 |
City | string | City where the Employer/Payer is based out of. Size Range: ..50 |
ProvinceOrStateNm | string | Name of the province or state where the Employer/Payer is based out of. Size Range: ..50 |
Country | string | Country of the Employer/Payer. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
PostalCd | string | Postal Code the State where the Employer/Payer is based out of. Size Range: ..16 |
ACADetails | object | Contains specific field information for 1095 forms |
FirstName | string | First Name of the contact person. Size Range: 50 |
MiddleName | string | OptionalMiddle initials of the contact person. Size Range: 15 |
LastName | string | Last name of the contact person. Size Range: 50 |
Suffix | string | OptionalName suffix of the contact person. Refer static values. Size Range: 3 Allowed values |
Phone | object | Phone number of the government entity's contact person. Size Range: 10 |
IsGovernmentalUnit | boolean | When true, identifies that the business is a part of or related to the Governmental Unit |
Form1094C | object | Contains Form 1094-C information. |
Form1095CAttachedCnt | number | Number of 1095-C forms filed with this return. Refer to static values. Size Range: 3 Allowed values: "1-250" |
AuthoritativeTransmittalInd | boolean | When true, identifies that out of other transmissions this is the Authoritative Transmittal for this year. |
TotalForm1095CALEMemberCnt | number | Total number of Form 1095-C filed previously or will be filed on behalf of employer.Required only when AuthoritativeTransmittalInd is true. Refer static values. Size Range: 3 Allowed values: "1-250" |
QualifyingOfferMethodInd | boolean | When true, identifies that the organization is eligible to use the Qualifying Offer method. |
NinetyEightPctOfferMethodInd | boolean | When true, identifies that the organization is eligible to use the 98% Offer Method. |
AggregateGroupMemberInd | boolean | When true, identifies that the employer was a member of an aggregated ALE group for any month of the calendar year. |
AggregateGroupInformation | object[] | Collection of Aggregate Group Members Form 1094-C Part IV. Specify at least one business when AggregateGroupMemberInd is true. |
BusinessNm | string | Business Name of aggregated ALE group member. Size Range: 75 |
BusinessNmCont | string | Optional If the business name is more than 75 characters, enter the remaining name here. Size Range: 75 |
MemberEIN | string | EIN of the aggregated ALE group member. Size Range: 10 |
FullTimeEmployeeCount | number | Number of employees working full time. Refer static values. Size Range: 3 Allowed values: "1-250" |
ALEMemberInformation | object | Contains information of the ALE member. |
AllTwelveMonthsInd | boolean | When true, indicates that minimum essential coverage is applicable for the entire year. |
TwelveMonths | object | Required if AllTwelveMonthsInd is true. Contains information of Form 1094-C Part III, Line 23. |
IndividualMonth | string | The individual months for which coverage was offered to the covered individuals. Refer static values. Allowed values: "1-12" |
Month | string | Month for which minimum essential coverage is applicable. Refer static values. Allowed values: "1-12" |
MinEssentialCvrOffrCd | boolean | When true, identifies that the employer offered minimum essential coverage to its full-time employees and their dependents. |
ALEMemberFTECnt | number | The number of Section 4980H full-time employees for each month. |
TotalEmployeeCnt | number | The total number of employees including full-time employees and part time employees and employees in a limited non-assessment period, for each calendar month. |
AggregateGroupInd | boolean | When true, identifies that the employer was a member of an aggregated ALE group. |
IndividualMonth | object[] | Required if AllTwelveMonthsInd is false. Contains information of Form 1094-C Part III, Line 24 to Line 35 |
Month | string | Month code of respective months. Refer static values. Allowed values: "1-12" |
MinEssentialCvrOffrCd | boolean | MEC indicator. |
ALEMemberFTECnt | number | ALE member full time equivalent count. |
TotalEmployeeCnt | number | The total number of employees including full-time employees and part time employees and employees in a limited Non- assessment period, for each calendar month. |
AggregateGroupInd | boolean | When true, identifies that the employer was a member of an aggregated ALE group. |
DesignatedGovernmentEntityDetails | object | Contains information of the Designated Government Entity. Required when IsGovernmentalUnit is true. |
Name | string | Name of the designated government entity. Size Range: 75 |
NameCont | string | Optional Name continuation of the designated government entity. Size Range: 75 |
EIN | string | EIN of the designated government entity. Size Range: 10 |
IsForeign | boolean | When true, identifies that the designated government entity's address as a foreign address. |
USAddress | object | Contains US address information of the government entity. |
Address1 | string | Contains US address information of the Government Entity. Required only when IsForeign is false. Size Range: 46 |
Address2 | string | Optional government entity suite or apartment. Size Range: 46 |
City | string | government entity city. Size Range: 50 |
State | string | Government Entity state code. Refer static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
ZipCd | string | Filer/Employer/government entity zip code. Size Range: 5..10 |
ForeignAddress | object | if IsForeign is true, pass foreign address of the Filer. |
Address1 | string | Government entity foreign address(street address or post office box of that locality). Size Range: 50 |
Address2 | string | Optional Government entity suite or apartment. Size Range: 50 |
City | string | Government entity foreign city. Size Range: 50 |
ProvinceOrStateNm | string | Government entity foreign province or state name. Size Range: 50 |
Country | string | Government Entity Foreign Country. Refer static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
PostalCd | string | Government entity foreign postal code. Size Range: 16 |
ContactInfo | object | Contains person information of the government entity. |
FirstNm | string | First Name of the government entity's contact person. Size Range: 50 |
MiddleNm | string | Optional Middle initials of the government entity's contact person. Size Range: 15 |
LastNm | string | Last name of the government entity's contact person. Size Range: 50 |
Suffix | string | Optional Name suffix of the government entity's contact person. Refer static values. Size Range: 3 Allowed values |
Phone | string | Phone number of the government entity's contact person. Size Range: 10 |
ReturnData | object | Contains 1095-C return information. Collection of multiple 1095-Cs. |
RecordId | Guid | Record Id of the particular record. |
Form1095C | object[] | Contains collection of 1095-C returns information. |
EmployeeManifest | object | Contains 1095C Id and sequence number of the 1095-C return. |
Form1095CId | Guid | Unique id to identify each Form 1095 C. |
Form1095SeqNum | string | Sequence number. |
Employee | object | Object to identify the employee details. |
EmployeeId | Guid | An unique ID generated by TaxBandits after the return is created and will be returned in the Response. You can use this id for your future reference to Update. |
SSN | string | Employee's Social Security Number (SSN) Size Range: 9-11 |
FirstNm | string | Employee's first name. Size Range: 15 |
MiddleNm | string | Optional Employee's middle name. Size Range: 15 |
LastNm | string | Employee's last name. Size Range: 20 |
Suffix | string | Optional Employee's suffix.Allowed values |
string | Optional Employee's email address. Size Range: 0..40 | |
Fax | string | Optional Employee's fax number. Size Range: 10 |
Phone | string | Optional Employee's phone number Size Range: 10 |
IsForeign | Boolean | When true, identifies the employee address with a foreign address. |
USAddress | object | Object to identify the employee's US address |
Address1 | string | Employee's US address (street address or post office box of that locality) Size Range: ..46 |
Address2 | string | Employee's suite or apartment Size Range: ..46 |
City | string | Employee's city Size Range: ..50 |
State | string | Employee's State code. Refer Static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
ZipCd | string | Employee's zip code Size Range: 5..10 |
ForeignAddress | object | If IsForeign is true, pass foreign address of the employee |
Address1 | string | Employee's foreign address (street address or post office box of that locality) Size Range: ..50 |
Address2 | string | Optional Employee's suite or apartment Size Range: ..50 |
City | string | Employee's city. Size Range: ..50 |
ProvinceOrStateNm | string | Employee's Province or State Name. Size Range: ..50 |
Country | string | Employee's country code. Refer Static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
PostalCd | string | Employee's Postal Code. Size Range: ..16 |
EmployeeReturnDetails | object | Contains 1095-C Part I, Part II and Part III return information. |
EmployeeAgeOnJan1 | int | Employee's age on Jan 1, 2023. |
StartMonthNumberCd | string | Calendar month in which the health plan begins and the employee is offered coverage for the tax year. Refer static values. Allowed values: "00-12" |
AllTwelveMonthsInd | Boolean | When true indicates that the health plan is active for all 12 months and you do not have to specify health plan for each month separately. |
TwelveMonths | object | Contains information of the Offer of Coverage, Employee Contribution, Section 4980 H codes for the month Jan to Dec. Required only when AllTwelveMonthsInd is TRUE. |
OfferOfCoverage | string | The coverage plan provided to the employee. Refer static values.Allowed values |
EmployeeRequiredContribution | string | The employee share of the lowest cost monthly premium for self-only minimum essential coverage(MEC) providing minimum value(MV) offered to the employee. Size Range: 9 |
Section4980H | string | The applicable Code Series 2 indicator code that has to be reported for one or more months of the calendar year, if any. Refer static values.Allowed values |
ZipCd | string | Enter the ZIP code of the employee’s residence for (code 1L, 1M, or 1N) or the ZIP code of the employee’s primary site of employment if the ALE Member uses the work location safe harbor for (code 1O, 1P, or 1Q). |
IndividualMonth | object[] | Contains information of the Offer of Coverage, Employee Contribution, Section 4980 H codes for the month Jan to Dec. Required only when AllTwelveMonthsInd is false. |
Month | string | Calendar month in which the health plan begins and the employee is offered coverage for the tax year. Allowed values: 1-12 |
OfferOfCoverage | string | The coverage plan provided to the employee. Refer static values.Allowed values |
EmployeeRequiredContribution | string | The employee share of the lowest cost monthly premium for self-only minimum essential coverage(MEC) providing minimum value(MV) offered to the employee. Size Range: 9 |
Section4980H | string | The applicable Code Series 2 indicator code that has to be reported for one or more months of the calendar year, if any. Refer static values.Allowed values |
ZipCd | string | Enter the ZIP code of the employee’s residence for (code 1L, 1M, or 1N) or the ZIP code of the employee’s primary site of employment if the ALE Member uses the work location safe harbor for (code 1O, 1P, or 1Q). |
IsSelfInsured | Boolean | When true indicates that the employer has provided self-insured coverage for the individual. |
CoveredIndividuals | object[] | Contains collection of each individual enrolled in coverage, including the employee. Required only when "IsSelfInsured" is true. Allowed values: 1-12 |
CoveredIndividualId | Guid | Unique ID generated by TaxBandits for the covered individual. |
PersonFirstNm | string | First name of the covered individual. Size Range: 20 |
PersonMiddleNm | string | Optional Middle name of the covered individual Size Range: 20 |
PersonLastNm | string | Last name of the covered individual. Size Range: 20 |
SSN | string | SSN of the covered individual. Size Range: 9-11 |
DOB | string | Optional DOB of the covered individual.If SSN is not available for the covered individual. Size Range: MM/DD/YYYY |
MonthsCoverageOffered | object | Contains coverage offer months from jan to dec. |
AllTwelveMonths | boolean | When true indicates that coverage was offered for all 12 months for the covered individual. |
IndividualMonth | string | The individual months for which coverage was offered to the covered individuals. Refer static values. Allowed values: "1-12" |
Errors | object[] | Shows detailed error information |
Code | string | Returns the validation error code. |
Name | string | Name of the validation error. |
Message | string | Description of the validation error. |
Type | string | Type of validation error. |
Response JSON
Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.
"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"SubmissionManiFest": {
"SubmissionId": "96c3747a-db6d-4d10-aeb2-4daa80516f9e",
"IsFederalFiling": true,
"IsPostal": true,
"IsOnlineAccess": true,
"TaxYr": "2024"
"ACAForms": {
"ReturnHeader": {
"Business": {
"BusinessId": "06b930d3-2f43-45b9-9d16-3b833601529f",
"PayerRef": null,
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"FirstNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"TradeNm": null,
"IsEIN": true,
"EINorSSN": "22-7534314",
"Email": "",
"ContactNm": "Chandler White",
"Phone": "(883) 457-8906",
"PhoneExtn": "12345",
"Fax": "(963) 456-7890",
"BusinessType": "ESTE",
"SigningAuthority": {
"Name": "Chandler White",
"Phone": "(993) 456-7890",
"BusinessMemberType": "ADMINISTRATOR"
"KindOfEmployer": "FEDERALGOVT",
"KindOfPayer": "REGULAR941",
"IsBusinessTerminated": true,
"IsForeign": false,
"USAddress": {
"Address1": "71 st nicholas drive",
"Address2": null,
"City": "Northpole",
"State": "AK",
"ZipCd": "99705"
"ForeignAddress": null,
"ACADetails": {
"FirstName": "Stephen",
"MiddleName": "K",
"LastName": "Davis",
"Suffix": "jr",
"Phone": "(883) 457-8906",
"IsGovernmentalUnit": true
"Form1094C": {
"Form1095CAttachedCnt": 1,
"AuthoritativeTransmittalInd": false,
"TotalForm1095CALEMemberCnt": 0,
"QualifyingOfferMethodInd": false,
"NinetyEightPctOfferMethodInd": false,
"AggregateGroupMemberInd": true,
"AggregateGroupInformation": null,
"ALEMemberInformation": {
"AllTwelveMonthsInd": false,
"TwelveMonths": null,
"IndividualMonth": null
"DesignatedGovernmentEntityDetails": {
"Name": "Michal",
"NameCont": "jack",
"EIN": "25-8789173",
"IsForeign": false,
"USAddress": {
"Address1": "0219 Rain Road",
"Address2": "Main St",
"City": "Dothan",
"State": "AL",
"ZipCd": "36303"
"ForeignAddress": null,
"ContactInfo": {
"FirstNm": "Mark",
"MiddleNm": "Freek",
"LastNm": "Linda",
"Suffix": "Jr",
"Phone": "(988) 987-3456"
"ReturnData": {
"RecordId": "9fea7477-7017-4bfe-9ee7-7964cea68287",
"Form1095C": [
"EmployeeManifest": {
"Form1095CId": "d4e74407-b4e4-4a85-aec3-e75fe9f687b6",
"Form1095SeqNum": "1"
"Employee": {
"EmployeeId": "cc3e409b-c34f-492b-ac1a-2a5333e823b4",
"SSN": "112-23-3453",
"FirstNm": "Steve",
"MiddleNm": "Michal",
"LastNm": "Waugh",
"Suffix": "Sr",
"Email": "",
"Fax": "(456) 789-1234",
"Phone": "(425) 963-1478",
"IsForeign": false,
"USAddress": {
"Address1": "1751 Kinsey Rd",
"Address2": "Main St",
"City": "Dothan",
"State": "AL",
"ZipCd": "36303"
"ForeignAddress": null
"EmployeeReturnDetails": {
"EmployeeAgeOnJan1": 26,
"StartMonthNumberCd": "06",
"AllTwelveMonthsInd": true,
"TwelveMonths": {
"Month": null,
"OfferOfCoverage": "1G",
"EmployeeRequiredContribution": 0.00,
"Section4980H": "2D",
"ZipCd": "57879"
"IndividualMonth": null,
"IsSelfInsured": false,
"CoveredIndividuals": null
"Errors": null