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Version: 1.7.3


Lists all Form 1042-S returns created and transmitted on the account for a particular Submission or Payer. Form 1042-S returns will be listed based on the filters sent in the Request.

GET Form1042S/List 
Run in Postman

Request Params

SubmissionIdGuidUnique identifier of a submission
BusinessIdGuidUnique identifier of a business
TINTypestringList the 1042-S records based on the given TINType and TIN.
TINstringList the 1042-S records based on the given TIN.
TaxYearstringList the 1042-S records based on the given taxyear.
Allowed values: "2022","2023"
PagenumberPulls the records listed in the page selected
PageSizenumberNumber of 1042-S records to be listed in each page.
EfileStatusstringList the 1042-S records based on the status ("CREATED, UNDERPROCESS, SENTTOAGENCY, TRANSMITTED, ACCEPTED, REJECTED")
FromDatestringEnter a date from which the Form 1042-S records need to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.
ToDatestringEnter a date till which the 1042-S records created are to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Request Params


Response Body

StatusCodenumberReturns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc.
StatusNamestringName of the status code
StatusMessagestringDetailed status message
FormTypestringDenotes the type of 1042-S form.
Form1042SRecordsobject[]Returns detailed information of the Form 1042-S records.
    SubmissionIdGuidUnique identifier of a submission
    BusinessIdGuidUnique identifier of a business
    PayerRefstringUnique identifier of the payer.
    BusinessNmstringName of the business
    FirstNmstringFirst Name of the Individual
    MiddleNmstringMiddle Name of the Individual
    LastNmstringLast Name of the Individual
    SuffixstringSuffix of the Individual
    EINorSSNstringWhen IsEIN is true, use Employer Identification Number (EIN). When IsEIN is false, use Social Security Number (SSN)
    ContactNmstringContact Name of the Business.
    TaxYearstringTax year of 1042-S to be filed.
    RecipientobjectDetails of the Recipient.
        SequenceIdstringA unique reference ID for the submission that can be used to identify a particular record. The Sequence ID will be returned in the Response for your reference.
        RecordIdGuidA unique identifier generated by TaxBandits when a 1042-S return is created.
        RecipientIdGuidA unique identifier generated by TaxBandits for a Recipient when a 1042-S return is created. You can use this id for your future reference to Update.
        RecipientNmstringName of Recipient.
        FirstNmstringFirst Name of the Individual
        MiddleNmstringMiddle Name of the Individual
        LastNmstringLast Name of the Individual
        SuffixstringSuffix of the Individual
        TINstringTIN of the Recipient.
        StatusstringThe status of Form 1042-S.
TotalRecordsnumberTotal number of records.
TotalPagesnumberTotal number of pages.
PagenumberPulls the records listed in the page selected
PageSizenumberNumber of 1042-S records to be listed in each page.
Errorsobject[]Shows detailed error information
    IdstringReturns the validation error id
    NamestringName of the validation error
    MessagestringDescription of the validation error

Response JSON

Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.

"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"FormType": "Form1042S",
"Form1042SRecords": [
"SubmissionId": "d2c95e1d-9bfe-44d1-8c90-c704638b774b",
"BusinessId": "f310f991-d9f4-4aac-b451-b18efc3e63ac",
"PayerRef": null,
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"IsEIN": true,
"EINorSSN": "66-7908758",
"ContactNm": "James",
"TaxYear": "2023",
"Recipient": {
"SequenceId": "1",
"RecordId": "320d194b-81ff-4267-8736-e7f1159acdc1",
"RecipientId": "52b89d52-b4af-4ff9-b46f-e9c6b39cb266",
"RecipientNm": "Nelson K Willson",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"TINType": "SSN",
"TIN": "633-09-1233",
"FederalReturn": {
"Status": "CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2024-06-29 03:10:03 -04:00",
"Info": null,
"Errors": null
"StateReturns": null,
"Postal": {
"Status": "CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2024-06-29 03:10:03 -04:00",
"Info": null
"OnlineAccess": {
"Status": "CREATED",
"Email": "",
"Info": null
"TotalRecords": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 100,
"Errors": null