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Version: 1.7.1


POST Form1099SA/RequestDraftPdfUrl 
Run in Postman

Request Body

TaxYearstringOptional Tax Year of the return. Specify only if you do not have the RecordId.
Allowed values:"2023","2024"
RecordIdGuidOptional Specify the RecordId of the return.
TINMaskTypestringOptional TIN Mask type on the TIN printed on the PDF.
Allowed values: "MASKED", "UNMASKED"
BusinessobjectOptional Collects the Business identifier TIN or TBS Business Id or PayerRef. This object information is required only if you do not have the RecordId
    BusinessIdGuidOptional TaxBandits Unique Business Identifier. This ID is generated by TaxBandits after you create a business in your account using the Business endpoint.
    PayerRefstringOptional Unique payer identifier assigned by the client.
Size Range: 1 to 50
    TINTypestringOptional TIN type of the Business TIN. Use this as an alternative for BusinessId or PayerRef.
Allowed values:"SSN", "EIN"
    TINstringOptional Taxpayer Identification Number. Use this as an alternative for BusinessId or PayerRef.
Size Range: 9-11
RecipientobjectOptional Collects the recipient's unique identifier. This object information is required only if you do not have the RecordId.
    PayeeRefstringOptional An unique identifier for each recipient set by the client.
Size Range: 1 to 50
    RecipientIdGuidOptional Unique Recipient Identifier generated by TaxBandits
    TINTypestringOptional TIN type of the Recipient’s TIN. Use this as an alternative for RecipientId or PayeeRef.
Allowed values:"SSN", "EIN"
    TINstringOptional Taxpayer Identification Number. Use this as an alternative for RecipientId or PayeeRef.
Size Range: 9-11

Request JSON

"TaxYear": "2024",
"RecordId": "f7b408fb-6e2a-443e-9214-ee0101f00ed6",
"TINMaskType": "MASKED",
"Business": {
"BusinessId": null,
"PayerRef": "PAY123",
"TINType": null,
"TIN": null
"Recipient": {
"RecipientId": "2eb001c6-161c-4428-b795-c8b75b7efeea",
"PayeeRef": null,
"TINType": null,
"TIN": null

Response Body

RecordIdGuidUnique identifier of the record
RecipientIdGuidUnique Recipient Identifier generated by TaxBandits
PayeeRefstringAn unique identifier for each recipient set by the client.
DraftPdfUrlstringURL of the Draft PDF
DraftPdfPathstringStorage path of the draft PDF
Errorsobject[]Shows detailed error information
    IdstringReturns the validation error code
    NamestringName of the validation error
    MessagestringDescription of the validation error

Response JSON

"RecordId": "5ce0a501-ddcd-4b23-af7c-c836bc434bda",
"RecipientId": "ba15c63a-e191-4dbc-9156-457f0980052e",
"PayeeRef": null,
"DraftPdfUrl": "",
"DraftPdfPath": "pdfs/c2d66a8c-3cf3-4dbc-9095-38b92fc58866/0927361d-25ec-47d5-9c37-7a239ec6a2fa/1099/19455581/d/copy_tbs_wm_1up_9455960000.pdf",
"Error": null