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Version: 1.7.1


Here are the state recon fields specific to Alabama. You can provide these parameters in the object 'StateReconData' while using the 'Create' or 'Update' endpoints of 1099-NEC, if applicable.

Request Body

ALobjectAlabama state recon details.
    FormA3objectContains Alabama Recon Form A-3 details.
        ALWithHoldingIDstringAlabama state withholding ID number.
Allowed values: "0000123456", "R007999999"
        NumOf1099W2intTotal number of W-2 & 1099.
        IncomeTaxWHAndRemittobject[]Must Have Tool Feature 1099 Transactions Recipients List.
            MonthstringAlabama state withholding ID number.
Allowed values

"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"

            TaxWHnumberAlabama tax withheld for the month.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            TaxRemittnumberAlabama tax remitted for the month.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
        PaymentDetailsobjectContains Alabama payment details.
            TotTaxRemittnumberTotal Alabama tax remited.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            TotTaxWH1099W2numberTotal Alabama tax withheld.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            TotTaxDuenumberEnter Tax Due if total tax withheld is more than total tax remitted.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            TotOverpaymentnumberEnter Overpayment if total tax remitted is more than total tax withheld.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            OverPaymentTypestringOverpayment recovery type, whether to refund the excess amount or apply it as a credit for the next return. If the overpayment is less than $100 overpayment recovery type should be "Credit".
Allowed values: "Refund", "Credit"
            PaymentMethodstringPayment method to pay the balance due.
Allowed values: "EFT Debit", "EFT Credit"
            IsInternationalACHTxnBooleanWhen TRUE, it identifies that it is a ACH Transactions.
        EFTDebitInfoobjectContains payment source info if the payment method is EFT Debit.
            BankAccTypestringBank account type.
Allowed values: "Checking", "Savings"
            BankAccNumintBank account number.
Size Range: 0-18
            BankRoutingNumintBank routing number.
Size Range: 0-9
            PaymentDatestringEnter the date on which the payment should be debited.
Size Range: 10
        FundingSourceobjectContain the information whether or not an EFT payment is and International ACH Transaction (IAT), when the payment method is EFT Debit.
            AddressstringEmployer/Payer's address (street address or post office box of that locality)
Size Range: ..35
            CitystringEmployer/Payer's city.
Size Range: ..27
            StatestringEmployer/Payer's state code. Refer Static values.
Size Range: 2
Allowed values

"AL", "AK", "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "DC", "FL", "GA", "HI", "ID", "IL", "IN", "IA", "KS", "KY", "LA", "ME", "MD", "MA", "MI", "MN", "MS", "MO", "MT", "NE", "NV", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NY", "NC", "ND", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VT", "VA", "WA", "WV", "WI", "WY", "AS", "FM", "GU", "MH", "MP", "PW", "PR", "VI", "AA", "AE", "AP"

            ZipstringEmployer/Payer's zip code.
            ZipExtnstringEmployer/Payer's zip code Extension.

Request JSON

"AL": {
"FormA3": {
"ALWithHoldingID": "0000123456",
"NumOf1099W2": 23,
"IncomeTaxWHAndRemitt": [
"Month": "Jan",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Feb",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Mar",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 200
"Month": "Apr",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "May",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Jun",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Jul",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 200
"Month": "Aug",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Sep",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Oct",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Nov",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"Month": "Dec",
"TaxWH": 200,
"TaxRemitt": 100
"PaymentDetails": {
"TotTaxRemitt": 1400,
"TotTaxWH1099W2": 2400,
"TotTaxDue": 1000,
"TotOverpayment": 0,
"OverPaymentType": null,
"PaymentMethod": "EFT Debit",
"EFTDebitInfo": {
"BankAccType": "Checking",
"BankAccNum": "326554215487545123",
"BankRoutingNum": "983265858",
"PaymentDate": "01/12/2024"
"FundingSource": {
"Address": "123 Main Road",
"City": "Doltan",
"State": "AL",
"Zip": 12345,
"ZipExtn": 2334