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Version: 1.7.0


Use our Sandbox environment to develop and test the integration. You can also perform an end-to-end simulation of the e-filing process.

To get started, create a free Sandbox account at and provide your business details, contact information, interested tax forms, and use case.

In order to start developing and testing in Sandbox, you will have to request the API keys, generate JWTs, and use those to call API endpoints.

Retrieve API Keys —> Generate JWTs —> Access Sandbox API endpoints

a. Retrieve API Keys

  • In the Sandbox console, navigate to Settings >> API Credentials to retrieve the sandbox API Keys (User Token, Client ID, Client Secret).
  • These keys will be used for identification and message encryption (hashing) during API handshake (OAuth 2.0 Authentication).

b. Generate JWTs

  • TaxBandits API incorporates OAuth 2.0, the standard authorization mechanism that enables your software to access the resources hosted by TaxBandits. This authentication scheme involves JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which are access tokens generated by the server in response to a request.

    To learn more about OAuth 2.0, click here.

c. Use the Access Token to Send API Requests

The JWT (Access token) will be active for 60 minutes. You will have to send the JWT in the Authorization header of every API request.


Sandbox URL:

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpc3
Content-Type: application/json

Sandbox Simulation

Our Sandbox environment allows you to simulate the complete end to end e-filing process. Your sandbox account will have test credits to transmit the returns. Our simulation tool will allow you to change the return statuses to Accepted by IRS or Rejected by IRS and get the Webhooks. Learn More