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    • Before using any endpoint, you must generate the Access token or JSON Web Token (JWT). This can be done by using the **Auth** method.
    • The access token is a cryptic string, usually generated by the server in response to a request. To authenticate the request, this access token must be supplied in the request header as the "Bearer" token.
    • Refer to [OAuth 2.0 Authentication](/docs/OAuth2.0Authentication) for more information on JWT authentication.

    Yes. You can use the **Business/RequestByURL** endpoint that returns a unique URL for the unique identifier **PayerRef**. Using the URL, payers can complete the Payer Information and submit the PIF form. Configure Webhook event type **'Business Complete'** to be notified when a payer submits the PIF form.

    Alternatively, you can also use the **Business/Create** endpoint to create businesses one by one. Also, you can create the business in the TaxBandits application and access them using API endpoints.