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Version: 1.7.3


One of the important components in tax filing is filing the Forms directly with the State. Most of the states require W-2 to be filed with them directly.

The filing requirements will vary for each state and there is a Reconciliation form filing requirement for most of the states.

Key Points

  1. TaxBandits supports direct state filing for all the states that require state filing.
  2. Some of the states just require Form W-2 filing and no Recon form needs to be filed.
  3. Some of the states require Recon form filing along with the Form W-2s.
    • TaxBandits files Recon form on the Employer’s behalf if the state accepts e-filing of Recon Form.
    • If the state supports only paper filing of Recon Form, then TaxBandits will not file the Recon Form. It is the Employer’s responsibility to paper file the Form. TaxBandits will provide information on the recon form that needs to be filed in the response.
  4. Some of the states require State specific additional information of the Employee. Those fields are available under the EmployeeStateSpecificData object for specific states.
  5. Only one recon form is required to be filed with the state for the Tax Year and Employer. Make sure you provide the recon information for the state in the first Create request. Once the recon is received for the Tax Year and Employer, our system will not check for mandatory requirements of the recon form in future submissions.
  6. The state filing requirement is separate from Federal filing. You will be notified with a separate webhook response when a state accepts or rejects a W-2 return.
SI.NoStateState ID NumberDueDateReconFormTaxBandits ResponsibilitiesYour Responsibilities
1Alabama0000123456,R007999999January_31Form A-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Recon Form A-3 with the state. Provide the recon information for the state under the StateReconData object.
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
3Arizona99-9999999,999999999,23-123456January_31Form A1-R
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state
4Arkansas99999999-ZZZ,999999999,February_28Form AR3MAR
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form AR3MAR with the state.
  • State does not require direct state filing.
Form W-2 Not required to be filed with the state
6Colorado99999999,99-99999,99-99999-999January_31Form DR-1093
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form DR-1093 with the state.
7Connecticut99999999-999,999999999-999,9999999999-999,99-9999999January_31Form CT-W3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Recon Form CT-W3 with the state. Provide the recon information for the state under the StateReconData object.
8Delaware9-999999999-999January_31Form W-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State Recon Form W-3 is not required when Form W-2 is filed
9District of Columbia999999999999January_31Form WT
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State Recon Form WT is not required when Form W-2 is filed
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
11Georgia9999999-AAJanuary_31Form G-1003
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
12Hawaii99999999 - 99,W99999999-99,GE-999-999-99999-99,GE-999-999-9999-99February_28Form HW-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State Recon Form HW-3 is not required when Form W-2 is filed
13Idaho999999999January_31Form 967
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Recon Form 967 with the state. Provide the recon information for the state under the StateReconData object.
14Illinois99-9999999,99-9999999 999January_31none
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State does not require a reconciliation form.
15Indiana9999999999 999,9999999999 999 9January_31Form WH-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
16Iowa99-9999999999,99-9999999999February_15Form 44-007 VSP
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
17Kansas036999999999F99,036-Z99999999Z99,999-Z99999999Z99January_31Form KW-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
18Kentucky999999January_31Form K-5
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State Recon Form K-5 is not required when Form W-2 is filed
19Louisiana9999999-999,9999999999January_31Form L-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
20Maine99-9999999AA,99-999999999February_28Form W-3ME
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
21Maryland99999999January_31Form MW508
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Recon Form MW508 with the state. Provide the recon information for the state under the StateReconData object.
  • Provide the recon information for the state under the StateReconData object.
  • Provide Employee Withholding Allowance amount for each employee under EmployeeSpecificData object.
You should take care of filing Form MW508CR, with the state of
Maryland if you are claiming tax-exempt credits.
22Massachusetts99-9999999,999-999-999,99999999,WTH-99999999-999January_31Form M-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form 5081 with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State does not require a reconciliation form.
25Mississippi99-9999999,9999-9999,99-9999999-9,99-9999999 9January_31Form 89-140
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State Recon Form 89-140 is not required when Form W-2 is filed
26Missouri99999998January_31Form MO-W3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Recon Form MO-W3 with the state. Provide the recon information for the state under the StateReconData object.
27Montana9999999-999-WTHJanuary_31Form MW-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
28Nebraska9999999,99999999,999999999,21-999999999January_31Form W-3N
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
30New Hampshire-NoneNone
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
31New Jersey999999999/999,999-999-999/999February_15Form NJ-W-3M
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
32New Mexico99-999999-99-9,99-999999-999March_02Form RPD-41072
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State does not require a reconciliation form.
33New York999999999 9,99999999999 9,NY9999999,NY999999999NoneNone
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
34North Carolina999999999January_31Form NC-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
35North Dakota12345678901January_31Form 307
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State does not require a reconciliation form.
36Ohio99-999999,99 999999,59 999999January_31Form IT-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
37Oklahoma99-9999999,WTH-99999999-99,999999999January_31Form W-3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
State does not require a reconciliation form.
38Oregon9999999-9January_31Form OR-WR
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • Provide Employment and Statewide Transit Tax details for each employee under EmployeeSpecificData object.
You should take care of filing Form OR-WR with the state.
39Pennsylvania9999 9999,99999999January_31Form REV-1667
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form REV-1667 with the state.
40Rhode Island99-9999999,999999999,99999999999January_31Form RI-W3
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form RI-W3 with the state.
41South Carolina999999999,99999999-9January_31Form WH-1606
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form WH-1606 with the state.
42South Dakota-NoneNone
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
45Utah12345678901WTH,99999999-999-WTHJanuary_31bForm TC-941E
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
46Vermont430999999999F99,WHT12345678January_31bForm WHT-434
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Recon Form WHT-434 with the state.
You should take care of filing Form WHT-434 with the state.
47Virginia30V99999999F999,99-Z99999999F-999,9999999999January_31bForm VA-6/VA-6H
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form WH-1606 with the state if you havea balance due.
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.
49West Virginia99999999January_31Form WV/IT-103
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
  • TaxBandits will file Recon Form WV/IT-103 with the state.
  • Provide the recon information for the state under the StateReconData object.
50Wisconsin36999999999999,036-9999999999-99January_31Form WT-7
  • TaxBandits will file Form W-2s with the state.
You should take care of filing Form WT-7 with the state.
  • State does not require direct state filing.
State does not require direct state filing.