Lists all Form 1099-B returns in TaxBandits that have been created and transmitted for a particular SubmissionId or BusinessId. Based on the filters supplied in the request, the results will be listed. If you provide a BusinessId, for example, all returns created under that BusinessId will be listed.
GET Form1099B/List
Request Params
Field | Type | Description |
SubmissionId | Guid | Unique identifier of a submission |
BusinessId | Guid | Unique identifier of a business |
TINType | string | List the 1099-B records based on the given TINType and TIN. |
TIN | string | List the 1099-B records based on the given TIN. |
TaxYear | string | List the 1099-B records based on the given taxyear. Allowed values: "2022","2023","2024" |
Page | number | Pulls the records listed in the page selected |
PageSize | number | Number of 1099-B records to be listed in each page. Note: PageSize can be maximum of 100. |
EfileStatus | string | List the 1099-B records based on the status ("CREATED, UNDERPROCESS, SENTTOAGENCY, TRANSMITTED, ACCEPTED, REJECTED") |
FromDate | string | Enter a date from which the Form 1099-B records need to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
ToDate | string | Enter a date till which the 1099-B records created are to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format. |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
StatusCode | number | Returns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc. |
StatusName | string | Name of the status code |
StatusMessage | string | Detailed status message |
Form1099Type | string | Denotes the type of 1099 form. |
Form1099Records | object[] | Returns detailed information of the Form 1099-B records. |
SubmissionId | Guid | Unique identifier of a submission |
BusinessId | Guid | Unique identifier of a business |
PayerRef | string | Unique identifier of the payer. |
BusinessNm | string | Name of the business |
FirstNm | string | First Name of the Individual |
MiddleNm | string | Middle Name of the Individual |
LastNm | string | Last Name of the Individual |
Suffix | string | Suffix of the Individual |
IsEIN | Boolean | When true, identifies the business with an EIN. |
EINorSSN | string | When IsEIN is true, use Employer Identification Number (EIN). When IsEIN is false, use Social Security Number (SSN) |
ContactNm | string | Contact Name of the Business. |
TaxYear | string | Tax year of 1099-B to be filed. |
Recipient | object | Details of the Recipient. |
SequenceId | string | A unique reference ID for the submission that can be used to identify a particular record. The Sequence ID will be returned in the Response for your reference. |
RecordId | Guid | A unique identifier generated by TaxBandits when a 1099-B return is created. |
RecipientId | Guid | A unique identifier generated by TaxBandits for a Recipient when a 1099-B return is created. You can use this id for your future reference to Update. |
RecipientNm | string | Name of Recipient. |
FirstNm | string | First Name of the Individual |
MiddleNm | string | Middle Name of the Individual |
LastNm | string | Last Name of the Individual |
Suffix | string | Suffix of the Individual |
TINType | string | TIN type of the Recipient. |
TIN | string | TIN of the Recipient. |
PayeeRef | string | A unique identifier for each payee completing their information. |
AccountNum | string | Account number of Payer having multiple accounts for a recipient for whom more than one Form 1099-B is filed. Size Range: 4..20 Note: If the account number on the return you file is the same as any previously filed return, TaxBandits will append 3 random numbers at the end of the account number. |
Status | string | The status of Form 1099-B. |
FederalReturn | object | Returns the record status and StatusTs of federal return service for Form 1099-B. |
Status | string | Returns the record status. |
StatusTs | string | Returns date and time of return created. |
Info | string | Returns information about the Federal Filing service. |
Errors | object[] | Shows detailed error information. |
Postal | object | Returns the status and StatusTs of postal mailing service for Form 1099-B. |
Status | string | Returns the status of postal order. |
StatusTs | string | Returns the date and time of the postal order created. |
Info | string | Returns the information about Postal mailing service. |
OnlineAccess | object | Returns the Email address for whom the online access to be given and Status of online access. |
Status | string | Returns status of online access for Form 1099-B return. |
string | Email address for whom the online access to be given. | |
Info | string | Information about the online access service. |
ScheduleFiling | object | Returns the date of the schedule filing. |
ScheduledOn | string | Date of the schedule filing to know when the return to be filed to the IRS. |
Info | string | Information about Schedule Filing service. |
TotalRecords | number | Total number of records. |
TotalPages | number | Total number of pages. |
Page | number | Pulls the records listed in the page selected |
PageSize | number | Number of 1099-B records to be listed in each page. |
Errors | object[] | Shows detailed error information |
Id | string | Returns the validation error id |
Name | string | Name of the validation error |
Message | string | Description of the validation error |
- Request Params
- Node.js
- Python
- Java
- .NET C#
List all the 1099-B returns created for the particular BusinessId, RecordID and Tax year.
Response Json
Response | Description | Action |
200 | Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests. |
Response: 200
"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"Form1099Type": "B",
"Form1099Records": [
"SubmissionId": "5d3475a0-d82e-46d8-8fd9-7b76da6a38e5",
"BusinessId": "2c12d45c-9d34-4cfd-acab-ada8613250a1",
"PayerRef": "Snow123",
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"IsEIN": true,
"EINorSSN": "71-3787159",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"ContactNm": null,
"TaxYear": "2024",
"Recipient": {
"SequenceId": "1",
"RecordId": "ebecbab9-dc9d-4af1-972b-bd2b3b334803",
"RecipientId": "d85fbc97-2eb8-4ffc-ba47-b70a3261a261",
"RecipientNm": "Dairy Delights LLC Coco Milk",
"FirstNm": null,
"LastNm": null,
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "36-3814577",
"PayeeRef": "Payee001",
"FederalReturn": {
"Status": "CREATED",
"StatusTs": "2024-06-29 00:03:02 -04:00",
"Info": null,
"Errors": null
"StateReturns": null,
"Postal": null,
"OnlineAccess": {
"Status": "CREATED",
"Email": "",
"Info": null
"ScheduleFiling": {
"ScheduledOn": "01/25/2025",
"Info": "The return is scheduled on 01/25/2025"
"TotalRecords": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"Page": 1,
"PageSize": 100,
"Errors": null