Find FAQs related to JWT authentication, credit purchase, Webhooks and more.
1. How to generate an Access Token for the request header?
- Before using any endpoint, you must generate the Access token or JSON Web Token (JWT). This can be done by using the Auth method.
- The access token is a cryptic string, usually generated by the server in response to a request. To authenticate the request, this access token must be supplied in the request header as the "Bearer" token.
- Refer to OAuth 2.0 Authentication for more information on JWT authentication.
2. We have hundreds of businesses, and it's cumbersome for us to create business for them in the TaxBandits API manually. Is there a way we can have them fill out and submit their payer information?
Yes. You can use the Business/RequestByURL endpoint that returns a unique URL for the unique identifier PayerRef. Using the URL, payers can complete the Payer Information and submit the PIF form. Configure Webhook event type 'Business Complete' to be notified when a payer submits the PIF form.
Alternatively, you can also use the Business/Create endpoint to create businesses one by one. Also, you can create the business in the TaxBandits application and access them using API endpoints.
3. When will the link I shared with my recipient for W-9/W-8 completion expire?
The W-9/W-8 form completion link will expire only after the recipient has signed or canceled the Form. If the recipient cancels the request, you can use the same PayeeRef to generate a new link for them.
4. Will the business ID creation (PIF) form link expire? If so, Can we use the same PayerRef?*
The PIF URL never expires. However, if the merchant uses the same link again, we will consider it an edit and update the new details for the business.
5. What would be the reason for Webhook Delivery failure?
- When our system tries to deliver the notification to your webhook URL, the callback URL is expected to return HTTP 200 response code.
- If we do not receive 200 as the response code, our system will try to post the webhook notification at several intervals (within 24 hours) to the Webhook URL. At each failed attempt, an email will be sent to the "Notify email" you provided while adding the Callback URL.
- After 9 failed attempts, our system will stop trying, and it will mark the Webhook as Limit Reached, and you will receive a notification email. The corresponding Webhook URL will be made inactive
To change the webhook URL to Active,
- Login to the console site and navigate to Settings >> Webhook Settings.
- Click the Send Test Notification button against the URL.
- A sample webhook will be posted to the URL.
- If we receive an HTTP 200 response code, the URL will be made Active again.
6. How to create BUSINESS in TaxBandits API?
By using the Business/Create endpoint, you can create a new business in TaxBandits API.
As a business owner, create a business account with a Business Name, address, email, etc. POST Business/Create is the API method for creating a business.
Once the business is created, TaxBandits will generate a unique Business ID, which will be referenced in other methods. The same Business/Payer can be later used in 1099, W-2, ACA, 94x, and W-9 endpoints.
For more information, click here.
7. How do I configure Webhooks to receive status updates of TIN Matching for Recipients?
If you have opted for TIN Matching in W-9 / W-8BEN / Whcertificate endpoints, you will get the TIN Matching statuses through the respective Webhook.
For example, if you have opted for TIN Matching in FormW9 endpoint, you will get the status of TIN Matching through Form W-9 Status Change Webhook (if configured).
If you have opted for TIN Matching separately using TINMatchingRecipients endpoint, you can get the status via the TIN Matching Status Change Webhook.
8. How will I be notified when copies of W2/1099 are postal mailed to recipients?
You can configure the Postal Sent Webhook to receive a Webhook notification when the Postal Mail you opted for W-2/1099 forms are delivered to the recipients.
9. How to view the number of forms that are transmitted to the IRS using the TaxBandits API?
Follow the below steps to find out the number of forms you sent to the IRS using TaxBandits for the corresponding tax year,
- Login to
- Navigate to Reports -> Monthly Transmission Report.
- By default, the current year's monthly form transmission count will be shown. Users can also see the total number of individual forms transmitted for the tax year.
Please note that a return will take at least four hours to be reflected in this report post-transmission. Also, this report does not account for the returns canceled or deleted after the transmission.
10. How to view the previous year form transmission report?
In order to view the prior Eight tax years' form transmission records in TaxBandits API, select the specific year from the drop-down menu, and the form transmission report for that year will be displayed.
11. Can I set a credit limit for specific forms?
Yes! TaxBandits API offers a feature to set a credit limit for all the forms. Once the limit is reached, you will receive a Low Credit notification. You can set a credit limit for specific forms or services.
To set a credit limit and notification email,
- Login to
- Navigate to Settings -> Low Credit Notification.
- Click Add Email to add email addresses for Low credit notifications. Enter the email address and save it. By using the icons in the Action column, users can edit or delete the email address.
- Click Summary of Low Credit Notification Column click Add/Edit to set a credit limit for the forms or services you've chosen. Set the credit count for each form or service and save it. When the Forms/Services' limit is reached, the user will get a Low Credit Notification to the provided email addresses.
Using the Action field icons, you can always change or remove the credit limit set for Forms/Services.