Use this endpoint to obtain the details of a created business, such as the name, address, and contact details. In the request JSON, you must provide either the BusinessId or PayerRef.
GET Business/Get
Request Params
Field | Type | Description |
BusinessId | string | Unique Identifier of the business. |
TIN | string | Taxpayer Identification Number of business. |
PayerRef | string | Optional Unique identifier of the payer. Set by the client in the endpoint Business/RequestByUrl. |
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
StatusCode | number | Returns the status codes like 200,300 etc. |
StatusName | string | Name of the status code. |
StatusMessage | string | Detailed status message |
Business | object | Business Details |
BusinessId | Guid | Unique Identifier of the business. |
PayerRef | string | Unique identifier of the payer. Set by the client. |
BusinessNm | string | Name of the business |
FirstNm | string | First Name of the Individual |
MiddleNm | string | Middle Name of the Individual |
LastNm | string | Last Name of the Individual |
Suffix | string | Suffix of the IndividualAllowed values |
TradeNm | string | Optional Name under which the business operates |
IsEIN | Boolean | When true, identifies the business with an EIN. |
EINorSSN | string | When IsEIN is true, use Employer Identification Number (EIN). When IsEIN is false, use Social Security Number (SSN) |
IsDefaultBusiness | Boolean | When set true, this business will be set as the default business. |
string | Optional Email address of the Business | |
ContactNm | string | Optional Name of the person who can be contacted by the IRS |
Phone | string | Optional Contact number of the business with area code |
PhoneExtn | string | Optional Extension number of the business phone number |
Fax | string | Optional Fax number of the Business |
BusinessType | string | Type of business. Optional for W-2/1099 and mandatory for 94X series |
SigningAuthority | object | Details of the person who is authorized to sign the return. |
Name | string | Optional Name of the signing authority. |
Phone | string | Optional Phone number of the authorized signatory. |
BusinessMemberType | string | Optional Business title of the authorized signatory. |
KindOfEmployer | string | Identifies the kind of employer. Mandatory for W-2 and optional for 1099-MISC and 94X series |
KindOfPayer | string | Identifies the kind of payer. Mandatory for W-2 and optional for 1099-MISC and 94X series |
IsBusinessTerminated | Boolean | When true, identifies the business as terminated. |
Form1042SDetails | object | Chapter 3 and chapter 4 status code details of the busienss. Mandatory for 1042-S and optional for 1099 and 94X series |
WHAgtCh3Cd | string | Chapter 3 status code of Withholding agent Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
WHAgtCh4Cd | string | Chapter 4 status code of Withholding agent Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
WHAgtGIIN | string | Optional Withholding agent’s Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) Size Range: ..15 |
FTIN | string | Optional FTIN of Withholding agent |
Country | string | Optional Withholding agent's country Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
IsForeign | Boolean | When true, identifies the business address with a foreign address. |
USAddress | object | if IsForeign is false, pass US address of the business |
Address1 | string | Address of the Employer/Payer (street address or post office box of that locality) |
Address2 | string | Optional Suite or apartment number of the Employer/Payer. |
City | string | City where the Employer/Payer is based out of |
State | string | Name of the state where the Employer/Payer is based out of |
ZipCd | string | Zip Code the State where the Employer/Payer is based out of. Size Range: 5..10 |
ForeignAddress | object | if IsForeign is true, pass foreign address of the business. |
Address1 | string | Address of the Employer/Payer (street address or post office box of that locality) |
Address2 | string | Optional Suite or apartment number of the Employer/Payer. |
City | string | City where the Employer/Payer is based out of |
ProvinceOrStateNm | string | Name of the province or state where the Employer/Payer is based out of. |
Country | string | Country of the Employer/Payer. |
PostalCd | string | Postal Code the State where the Employer/Payer is based out of |
Errors | object[] | Shows detailed error information. |
Id | string | Returns the validation error Id. |
Name | string | Name of the validation error. |
Message | string | Description of the validation error. |
- Request Params
- Node.js
- Python
- Java
- .NET C#
Response Json
Sample | Description | Action |
200 | Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests. |
"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"Business": {
"BusinessId": "17e1efa1-37b8-4ace-89e9-877fe749b64e",
"PayerRef": "B123",
"BusinessNm": "ABC LLC",
"TradeNm": "Kodak",
"IsEIN": true,
"EINorSSN": "003313330",
"Email": "",
"ContactNm": "John",
"Phone": "1234567890",
"PhoneExtn": "12345",
"Fax": "(123) 456-7890",
"BusinessType": "ESTE",
"SigningAuthority": {
"Name": "John",
"Phone": "1234567890",
"BusinessMemberType": "ADMINISTRATOR"
"KindOfEmployer": "FEDERALGOVT",
"KindOfPayer": "REGULAR941",
"IsBusinessTerminated": false,
"IsForeign": true,
"USAddress": {
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZipCd": null
"ForeignAddress": {
"Address1": "22 St",
"Address2": "Clair Ave E",
"City": "Toronto",
"ProvinceOrStateNm": " Ontario",
"Country": "CA",
"PostalCd": "M1R 0E9"
"ACADetails": {
"FirstName": "Aafdir",
"MiddleName": "Walman",
"LastName": "ADMINRATOR",
"Suffix": "jr",
"Phone": "8834578906",
"IsGovernmentalUnit": true
"Errors": null