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Version: 1.7.0


Request Body

    WVobjectWest Virginia state recon details.
        FormIT-103objectContains West Virginia Recon Form IT-103 details.
            WVWithHoldingIDstringContains West Virginia state withholding ID number.
Allowed values


            NumOf1099W2intTotal number of 1099 and W-2 forms.
        TotalTaxWH1099W2numberTotal West Virginia tax withheld from 1099 and W-2 forms.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            WHTaxDueobjectContains Quarterly West Virginia tax due details.
            WVTaxQ1number1st Quarter WV tax due.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            WVTaxQ2number2nd Quarter WV tax due.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            WVTaxQ3number3rd Quarter WV tax due.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            WVTaxQ4number4th Quarter WV tax due.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99
            TotalForYearnumberTotal tax due for the year.
Size Range: 0-999999999.99

Request JSON

"WV": {
"FormIT103": {
"WVWithHoldingID": "99999999",
"NumOf1099W2": 23,
"TotalTaxWH1099W2": 400,
"WHTaxDue": {
"WVTaxQ1": 100,
"WVTaxQ2": 100,
"WVTaxQ3": 100,
"WVTaxQ4": 100,
"TotalForYear": 400