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Version: 1.7.3


You can configure webhooks for the event type ‘Form8453-EMP Status Change’ to receive automated status updates once your clients e-sign the 8453-EMP forms you’ve shared with them electronically.

Response Body

RecordIdGuidA Unique Record Identifier generated by TaxBandits when a 94X return is created.
BusinessIdGuidA unique identifier of a business
PayerRefstringA unique identifier of payer
BusinessNmstringName of the Business
TINTypestringTIN Type of the TaxPayer.
TINstringTaxpayer Identification Number of the TaxPayer.
FormTypestringType of 94x Form for which 8453-EMP is requested
RecordStatusstringStatus of 8453-EMP
FileNamestringCompleted Form 8453-EMP file name
FilePathstringCompleted Form 8453-EMP file path

Response JSON

"RecordId": "d3643ae5-a55a-40aa-ab78-3b2f9ca7b7bb",
"BusinessId": "60dd1f9c-540b-4051-b7cb-a4ddee9ed645",
"PayerRef": null,
"BusinessNm": "Honda Moto Corp LLC",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "XX-XXX0557",
"FormType": "Form941",
"RecordStatus": "Taxpayer Signed",
"StatusMessage": "Taxpayer has signed your 8453EMP form"