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Version: 1.7.3


Lists all Form 1099-INT correction returns created and transmitted on the account for a particular Submission or Payer. Form 1099-INT correction returns will be listed based on the filters sent in the Request.

GET Form1099INTCorrection/List   

Request Params

SubmissionIdGuidThis is a Unique Identifier of a Submission. Use this node, if you want to list the 1099-INT correction records created under a Submission. Ignore this node, if you want to list the records of a particular Payer.
BusinessIdGuidThis is a Unique Identifier of a Payer. Use this node, if you want to list all the 1099-INT correction records created under the Payer. Ignore this node, if you want to list the records for a Submission.
TINTypestringMention TIN type and TIN, if you do not have Business ID and want to list all the 1099-INT correction records created under a Payer. Allowed Values: EIN, SSN
TINstringEmployer Identification Number or Social Security Number of the Payer is required only when you have not provided the SubmissionId or the BusinessId
TaxYearstringEnter the specific tax year for the list of 1099-INT correction Records. If the tax year is not given, all tax year records will be listed.
PagenumberMention the page number that needs to be listed in the Response. If the value is not given, the page will be defaulted to 1.
PageSizenumberProvide a numerical value to list the total number of Form 1099-INT correction records in each page. If the value is not given, then the page size will be defaulted to 100.
EfileStatusstringMention Form 1099-INT correction record status that needs to be listed. If the value is not given, then records with all the statuses will be listed.
FromDatestringEnter a date from which the Form 1099-INT correction records need to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.
ToDatestringEnter a date till which the 1099-INT correction records created are to be listed in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Request Params


Response Body

StatusCodenumberReturns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc.
StatusNamestringSubmission Status
StatusMessagestringStatus Details
Form1099TypestringDenotes the type of 1099 form.
Form1099Recordsobject[]It contains the list of 1099 records.
    SubmissionIdGuidUnique Identifier of a Submission
    BusinessIdGuidUnique Identifier of a Payer
    BusinessNmstringPayer's Name
    FirstNmstringFirst Name of the Individual
    MiddleNmstringMiddle Name of the Individual
    LastNmstringLast Name of the Individual
    0SuffixstringSuffix of the Individual
    ContactNmstringContact Name of the Payer.
    TaxYearstringTax year of the 1099-INT correction records.
    RecipientobjectRecipient Details
        SequenceIdstringSequence ID of the 1099-INT correction record provided during CREATE or UPDATE
        RecordIdGuidUnique identifier of the 1099-INT correction record.
        RecipientIdGuidUnique identifier of the Recipient.
        RecipientNmBooleanRecipient's Name
        FirstNmstringFirst Name of the Individual
        MiddleNmstringMiddle Name of the Individual
        LastNmstringLast Name of the Individual
        SuffixstringSuffix of the Individual
        TINstringRecipient's TIN
        StatusstringRecord Status of Form 1099-INT correction.
        FederalReturnobjectReturns the record status and StatusTs of federal return.
            StatusstringReturns the record status.
            StatusTsstringReturns date and time of return created.
            InfostringReturns information about the Federal Filing service.
            Errorsobject[]Shows error information of state returns of Form 1099 INT correction
        StateReturnsobject[]Returns collection of state returns information
        PostalobjectReturns the status and StatusTs of postal mailing service for Form 1099 INT correction.
            StatusstringReturns the status of postal order.
            StatusTsstringReturns the date and time of the postal order created.
            InfostringReturns the information about Postal mailing service.
        OnlineAccessobjectReturns the Email address for whom the online access to be given and Status of online access.
            StatusstringReturns status of online access for Form 1099 INT correction return.
            EmailstringEmail address for whom the online access to be given.
            InfostringInformation about the online access service.
TotalRecordsnumberTotal records.
TotalPagesnumberTotal pages.
PagenumberList of records mentioned in the Request
PageSizenumberTotal 1099-INT correction records in the page
Errorsobject[]Show Error Details
    IdstringReturns the validation error id
    NamestringName of the validation error
    MessagestringValidation error details

Response JSON

Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.

"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"Form1099Type": "INTCORRECTION",
"Form1099Records": [
"SubmissionId": "12d5f304-6bbc-4438-a9bc-c0631debc8fc",
"BusinessId": "ae650ce8-a795-431c-bcd5-e172e61cd266",
"BusinessNm": null,
"FirstNm": "James",
"LastNm": "Smith",
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"EINorSSN": "414-24-9606",
"ContactNm": "James Smith",
"TaxYear": "2024",
"Recipient": {
"SequenceId": "001",
"RecordId": "f5b9effa-0b00-4ad1-92a2-47d7eb53c93f",
"RecipientId": "c695e1ce-b0b4-4916-9550-fca43d1f0ab0",
"RecipientNm": null,
"FirstNm": "Shawn",
"LastNm": "Williams",
"MiddleNm": null,
"Suffix": null,
"TINType": "SSN",
"TIN": "414-24-9606",
"FederalReturn": {
"Status": "TRANSMITTED",
"StatusTs": "2023-12-18 08:00:12 -05:00",
"Info": null,
"Errors": null
"StateReturns": [
"StateCd": "AZ",
"Status": "NA",
"StatusTs": null,
"Info": "We do not support State filing corrections. It is your responsibility to file to the state, If there are any state specific information to be corrected.",
"Errors": null
"Postal": {
"Status": "RECEIVED",
"StatusTs": "2023-12-18 08:00:12 -05:00",
"Info": null
"OnlineAccess": null
"Page": 1,
"TotalRecords": 1,
"TotalPages": 1,
"PageSize": 100,
"Errors": null