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Version: 1.7.3


Request the 1096 PDF using this endpoint. The request should have the Taxyear and TIN (EIN or SSN) of the Payer.

Run in Postman

Request Body

TaxYearstringTax Year you want to generate the Form 1096.
Allowed values: "2022","2023"
EINstringEIN of the Payer you are requesting the Form 1096.
SSNstringSSN of the Payer you are requesting the Form 1096.

Request JSON

"TaxYear": "2023",
"EIN": "003333332",
"SSN": null

Response Body

StatusCodenumberReturns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc.
StatusNamestringName of the status code.
StatusMessagestringDetailed status message.
AttachmentCountstringTotal number of Form 1096 pdf generated.
Attachment1096byte[]Byte array of Form 1096 pdf.
Errorsobject[]Shows detailed error information.
    CodestringReturns the validation error code.
    NamestringName of the validation error.
    MessagestringDescription of the validation error.
    TypestringType of validation error.

Response JSON

Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.

"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"AttachmentCount": "1",
"Errors": null,