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Version: 1.7.0


This method will return the completed W-8BEN of a particular recipient. The response will have the W-8BEN information such as the Name, Address and TIN(US/Foreign) along with the link to download the completed Form W-8BEN.

Key Points

  • Only W-8BENs with the completed status can be retrieved using the Get method. If the status of the W-8BEN is anything other than complete, it will not be returned.
  • If you do not supply the BusinessId in the request, then the W-8BEN that matches the Email or PayeeRef linked to the default business will be retrieved.
  • If there are multiple W-8BENs for the same Email or PayeeRef, the last completed W-8BEN will be retrieved.
GET FormW8Ben/Get 
Run in Postman

Request Params

PayeeRefStringUnique identifier of a recipient. Either PayeeRef or Email is required
Size Range: 1-50
EmailStringEmail Address of the recipient.
Size Range: 1-50
BusinessIdGuidOptional Unique Business Identifier. If you do not supply the BusinessId in the request, the BusinessId of the default business will be mapped.
TINStringOptional Taxpayer Identification Number. Use this as an alternative for BusinessId. Values: EIN, SSN
Size Range: 9-11(Including hyphen)

Request Params

Get the W-8BEN data of a recipient with the PayeeRef and BusinessId.


Response Body

SubmissionIdGuidUnique identifier of a submission.
RequesterObjectRequester information.
    BusinessIdGuidA unique identifier of the business.
    BusinessNmStringBusiness Name of the requester. If the requester is an Individual, then the Payer’s full name will be returned.
    TINTypeStringTIN Type of the Requester.
    TINStringTaxpayer Identification Number of the requester.
PayeeRefStringUnique identifier of the recipient
W8BENStatusStringStatus of the W-8BEN.
StatusTsStringTimestamp of the W-8BEN Status.
FormW8BENRequestTypeStringForm W-8BEN requested Type.
  • URL_API - Form W-8BEN was requested using the RequestByURL method.
  • Email_API - Form W-8BEN was requested using the RequestByEmail method.
  • Email_UI - Form W-8BEN was requested from the TaxBandits UI application.
PdfUrlStringURL to download the completed W-8BEN.
Note: This URL will expire in 24 hours.
EmailStringEmail Address of the recipient. This is the email to which the W-8BEN request was sent.The value will be null if the Form W-8BEN was requested using the API method RequestByURL
FormDataObjectForm W-8BEN data of the recipient.
    NmOfIndividualstringName of the Foreign Individual.
    CitizenOfCountrystringRecipient country of citizenship.
    USTINTypestringTIN type of the recipient. Either SSN or ITIN.
    USTINstringRecipient’s TIN
    ForeignTINstringForeign TIN of the recipient.
    IsFTINNotLegallyRequiredBooleanWhen TRUE, Identifies that benificial owner on line 1 is not legally required to obtain an FTIN from their jurisdiction of residence.
    DOBstringDate of Birth of the recipient
    PermanentAddressObjectRecipient’s permanent address.
        AddressstringRecipient’s Address.
        CitystringRecipient’s City
        StatestringRecipient’s State
        CountrystringRecipient’s Country
        PostalCdstringRecipient’s Zip Code
    MailingAddressObjectRecipient’s mailing address.
        AddressstringRecipient’s Address.
        CitystringRecipient’s City
        StatestringRecipient’s State
        CountrystringRecipient’s Country
        PostalCdstringRecipient’s Zip Code
    TaxTreatyBenefitsObjectTax Treaty Benefits.
        BeneficiaryCountrystringCountry where the recipient claim to be a resident for income tax treaty purposes.
        ClaimingProvArticleParastringArticle and paragraph of the treaty benefits.
        RateOfWHstringRate of Withholding.
        TypeOfIncomestringType of income for which recipient claiming the treaty benefits.
        AdditionalConditionsstringAdditional conditions from the tax treaty benefits.
    SignatureObjectSignature of the recipient.
        SignerNmstringName of the signer.
ErrorsObjectShows detailed error information.

Response JSON

The response will have the completed W-8BEN information for the given PayeeRef corresponding to the BusinessId. In addition, the Response Payload will also have the PdfUrl link to download the W-8BEN.

"SubmissionId": "4a36dc14-f059-4c89-83cd-ff9e350ed0a0",
"Requester": {
"BusinessId": "7B82B242-1223-4029-9251-C0446298F620",
"BusinessNm": "John Enterprises",
"TINType": "EIN",
"TIN": "22-2222222"
"PayeeRef": "Pe123451234",
"StatusTs": "2021-02-19 14:36:28 -05:00",
"FormW8BENRequestType": "URL_API",
"PdfUrl": "",
"Email": "",
"FormData": {
"NmOfIndividual": "Joseph Smith",
"CitizenOfCountry": "Canada",
"USTINType": "SSN",
"USTIN": "111-11-1111",
"ForeignTIN": null,
"IsFTINNotLegallyRequired": true,
"DOB": "07/08/1990",
"PermanentAdd": {
"Address1": "123 E. Main St",
"Address2": null,
"City": "Rock Hill",
"State": "SC",
"Country": "USA",
"PostalCd": "29730"
"MailAdd": {
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"Country": null,
"PostalCd": null
"W8TaxBenefits": {
"BeneficiaryCountry": "Canada",
"ClaimingProvArticlePara": "VII",
"RateOfWH": "27.50",
"TypeOfIncome": "Royalties",
"AdditionalConditions": null
"Signature": {
"SignerNm": "Joseph"
"Errors": null