Runs business and data validation checks for 940 forms.
POST Form940/ValidateForm
Request Body
Field | Type | Description |
Form940Records | object[] | Object to create Form 940 |
Sequence | string | A unique number given by an inbound application to identify failed records. Size Range: ..10 |
ReturnHeader | object | Identifies the supporting details of Form 940/940SCHR |
ReturnType | string | Type of the return to be filed. Allowed values |
TaxYr | string | Tax year for which Form 940/940 SCHR needs to be filed. Allowed Values : "2021" |
Business | object | Business Details |
BusinessNm | string | Name of the business Size Range: ..75 |
TradeNm | string | Optional Name under which the business operates Size Range: ..75 |
IsEIN | Boolean | When true, identifies the business with an EIN. |
EINorSSN | string | When IsEIN is true, use Employer Identification Number (EIN). When IsEIN is false, use Social Security Number (SSN) Size Range: 9-11 |
string | Email address of the Business Size Range: ..100 | |
ContactNm | string | OptionalName of the person who can be contacted by the IRS Size Range: ..27 |
Phone | string | Contact number of the business with area code Size Range: 10 |
PhoneExtn | string | Optional Extension of the business phone number Size Range: ..5 |
Fax | string | Optional Fax number of the Business Size Range: 10 |
BusinessType | string | Type of business. Optional for W-2/1099 and mandatory for 94X series Size Range: ..4 Allowed values |
SigningAuthority | object | Details of the person who is authorized to sign the return. |
Name | string | Name of the signing authority. Size Range: ..35 |
Phone | string | Phone number of the signing authority. Size Range: 10 |
BusinessMemberType | string | Business title of the signing authority Size Range: 5..29 Allowed values |
KindOfEmployer | string | Identifies the kind of employer. Mandatory for W-2 and optional for 1099-MISC and 94X series.Allowed values |
KindOfPayer | string | Identifies the kind of payer. This field is mandatory in W-2 and optional in 1099-MISC and 94X series.Allowed values |
IsBusinessTerminated | Boolean | When true, identifies the business as terminated. |
IsForeign | Boolean | When true, identifies the business address with a foreign address. |
USAddress | object | if IsForeign is false, pass US address of the business |
Address1 | string | Employer/Payer's US address (street address or post office box of that locality). Size Range: ..46 |
Address2 | string | Optional Employer/Payer's suite or apartment. Size Range: ..46 |
City | string | Employer/Payer's city. Size Range: ..50 |
State | string | State code of the employer/payer. Refer Static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
ZipCd | string | Employer/Payer's zip code. Size Range: 5..10 . |
ForeignAddress | object | if IsForeign is true, pass foreign address of the business. |
Address1 | string | Employer/Payer's foreign address (street address or post office box of that locality). Size Range: ..50 |
Address2 | string | Optional Employer/Payer's suite or apartment. Size Range: ..50 |
City | string | Employer/Payer's city Size Range: ..50 |
ProvinceOrStateNm | string | Employer/Payer's province or state name. Size Range: ..50 |
Country | string | Employer/Payer country code. Refer Static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
PostalCd | string | Employer/Payer's postal code Size Range: ..16 |
IsThirdPartyDesignee | Boolean | When true, your third-party designee is allowed to discuss the return with the IRS. |
ThirdPartyDesignee | object | Third Party Designee Details |
Name | string | Third Party Designee's name. |
Phone | string | Third Party Designee's phone number. |
PIN | string | A 5 digit PIN (Should not contain all zeroes) used when communicating to the IRS |
SignatureDetails | object | Identifies the signature type used in Form 940. |
SignatureType | string | Type of signature used to sign Form 940 Allowed values |
OnlineSignaturePIN | object | A 10-digit signature PIN to become an IRS authorized signer. |
PIN | string | Sign using a 10 digit PIN received from the IRS. Size Range: 10 |
ReportingAgentPIN | object | A 5-digit number assigned by the IRS |
PIN | string | Sign using a 5 digit PIN received from the IRS. Size Range: 5 |
Form8453EMP | object | An alternate option to sign the return using Form 8453 EMP when there is no PIN |
ReturnData | object | Identifies the Form 940 data. |
Form940 | object | Information of Form 940, Employer's Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return |
OneStateCd | string | Line 1a. If you had to pay state unemployment tax in one state only, enter the state abbreviation. |
IsCreditReduction | Boolean | When true, identifies that you paid wages in a state that is subject to CREDIT REDUCTION (Form 940, Line 2). Complete Schedule A (Form 940). |
IsSuccessorEmployer | Boolean | When true, identifies the employer as a successor employer. Not applicable for 940SCHR. |
IsPymtsMadeToEmployees | Boolean | When true, idetifies that the employer has made payments to their employees. Not applicable for 940SCHR. |
IsBusinessClosed | Boolean | When true, identifies the business as terminated or stopped paying wages. Not applicable for 940SCHR. |
IsMultiState | Boolean | When true, identifies the employer as a multi-state employer.Line 1b. |
WagesAmt | number | Gets the amount of the total payments made to all employees. Line 3. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
ExemptWagesAmt | number | Gets the amount of the payments exempt from FUTA tax. Line 4. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
IsFringeBenfs | Boolean | When true, identifies the payments exempt from FUTA tax has Fringe Benefits.Line 4a. |
IsGrpTermLifeIns | Boolean | When true, identifies the payments exempt from FUTA tax has Group-term life insurance.Line 4b. |
IsRetrmntOrPension | Boolean | When true, identifies the payments exempt from FUTA tax has Retirement/Pension.Line 4c. |
IsDepCare | Boolean | When true, identifies the payments exempt from FUTA tax has Dependent care.Line 4d. |
IsOtherExempt | Boolean | When true, identifies the payments exempt from FUTA tax has other Exempt.Line 4e. |
WagesOverLmtAmt | number | Gets the total amount of the payments made to each employee in excess of $7,000. Line 5 Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
TotExemptWagesAmt | number | Gets the subtotal amount by adding the amounts on Line 4 and 5 on Line 6. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
TotTaxableWagesAmt | number | Gets the total taxable FUTA wages by subtracting the amount on line 6 from line 3 on line 7. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
FUTATaxBeforeAdjAmt | number | Gets the total FUTA tax before adjustments by multiplying line 7 by 0.006 on line 8. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
MaxCreditAmt | number | Gets the amount by multiplying line 7 by 0.054 on line 9 if all taxable FUTA wages paid were excluded from state unemployment tax. Line 9. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
FUTAAdjAmt | number | Gets some of the taxable FUTA Wages that were excluded from State Unemployment Tax or the late payments that were made for state unemployment tax.Line 10. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
TotCrdtRedAmt | number | Gets the FUTA taxable wages that were also subject to state unemployment taxes in any states that are subject to credit recuction. Line 11. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
FUTATaxAfterAdjAmt | number | Gets the total FUTA tax after adjustments amount by adding the amounts on Lines 8, 9, 10, 11. Line 12. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
TotDepositAmt | number | Gets the amount of FUTA tax deposited for the year, including any overpayment applied from a prior year. Line 13. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
FirstQtrTaxLiabilityAmt | number | Gets the FUTA Tax Liability amount for 1st quarter (January 1 – March 31). Line 16a. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
secondQtrTaxLiabilityAmt | number | Gets the FUTA Tax Liability amount for 2nd quarter (April 1 – June 30). Line 16b. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
ThirdQtrTaxLiabilityAmt | number | Gets the FUTA Tax Liability amount for 3rd quarter (July 1 – September 30). Line 16c. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
FourthQtrTaxLiabilityAmt | number | Gets the FUTA Tax Liability amount for 4th quarter (October 1 – December 31). Line 16d. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
TotTaxLiabilityAmt | number | Gets the total FUTA tax liability amount for the year. Line 17. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
BalanceDueAmt | number | Gets the difference amount of the balance due if line 12 is more than line 13. Line 14 Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
OverPaidAmt | number | Gets the difference overpayment amount if line 13 is more than line 12. Line 15. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
OverPaymentRecoveryType | string | Gets the overpayment recovery type. Whether to have the IRS refund the excess amount or apply it to next return. Check only one box on line 15.Allowed values |
IRSPaymentType | string | Payment type to make payments to the IRS. Choose from EFW, EFTPS, Check or Money OrderAllowed values |
IRSPayment | object | Identifies the details of Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) if paying the balance due along with the return |
BankRoutingNum | string | Bank Routing Number of EFW payment Size Range: 9 |
AccountType | string | Account Type (Checking or Saving) of EFW payment |
BankAccountNum | string | Bank Account Number of EFW payment Size Range: ..17 |
Phone | string | Phone of EFW payment Size Range: 10 |
FinalPayRoll | object | Identifies name and address of the Record Keeper |
PersonNm | string | Name of the Record Keeper Size Range: ..40 |
IsForeign | Boolean | When true, identifies the business address with a foreign address. |
USAddress | object | if IsForeign is false, pass US address of the business |
Address1 | string | Employer/Payer's US address (street address or post office box of that locality) Size Range: ..46 |
Address2 | string | Optional Employer/Payer's suite or apartment Size Range: ..46 |
City | string | Employer/Payer's city Size Range: ..27 |
State | string | State code of the employer/payer. Refer Static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
ZipCd | string | Employer/Payer's zip code. Size Range: 5..10 |
ForeignAddress | object | if IsForeign is true, pass foreign address of the business |
Address1 | string | Employer/Payer's foreign address (street address or post office box of that locality) Size Range: ..50 |
Address2 | string | Optional Employer/Payer's suite or apartment Size Range: ..50 |
City | string | Employer/Payer's city Size Range: ..50 |
ProvinceOrStateNm | string | Employer/Payer's province or state name Size Range: ..50 |
Country | string | Employer/Payer country code. Refer Static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
PostalCd | string | Employer/Payer's postal code. Size Range: ..16 |
ScheduleA | object[] | Schedule A (Form 940), Multi-State Employer and Credit Reduction Information |
StateCd | string | State code of the employer/client. Refer Static values. Size Range: 2 Allowed values |
TotTaxableFUTAwagesAmt | number | Total taxable FUTA wages amount of the state. Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
CreditReductionRt | number | Credit Reduction Rate of the state Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
CreditReductionAmt | number | Credit Reduction amount of the state. This will be equal to the Total taxable FUTA wages amount multiplied with the Credit Reduction Rate. (Round of the amount upto 2 digits after decimal point). Size Range: 0-99999999999999.99 |
Request JSON
"Form940Records": [
"Sequence": null,
"ReturnHeader": {
"ReturnType": "FORM940",
"TaxYr": "2021",
"Business": {
"BusinessId": null,
"BusinessNm": "Snowdaze LLC",
"TradeNm": null,
"IsEIN": true,
"EINorSSN": "008587094",
"Email": "",
"ContactNm": "John",
"Phone": "8798798798",
"PhoneExtn": null,
"Fax": "7987987987",
"BusinessType": "PART",
"SigningAuthority": {
"Name": "John",
"Phone": "7987987987",
"BusinessMemberType": "PARTNER"
"KindOfEmployer": null,
"KindOfPayer": null,
"IsBusinessTerminated": false,
"IsForeign": false,
"USAddress": {
"Address1": "12 main st",
"Address2": null,
"City": "Rock Hill",
"State": "SC",
"ZipCd": "29730"
"ForeignAddress": {
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"City": null,
"ProvinceOrStateNm": null,
"Country": null,
"PostalCd": null
"IsThirdPartyDesignee": false,
"ThirdPartyDesignee": {
"Name": null,
"Phone": null,
"PIN": null
"SignatureDetails": {
"SignatureType": "ONLINE_SIGN_PIN",
"OnlineSignaturePIN": {
"PIN": "1234567891"
"ReportingAgentPIN": {
"PIN": null
"Form8453EMP": null
"ReturnData": {
"Form940": {
"OneStateCd": "VI",
"IsCreditReduction": true,
"IsSuccessorEmployer": false,
"IsPymtsMadeToEmployees": true,
"IsBusinessClosed": false,
"IsMultiState": false,
"WagesAmt": 500000,
"ExemptWagesAmt": 20000,
"IsFringeBenfs": true,
"IsGrpTermLifeIns": false,
"IsRetrmntOrPension": false,
"IsDepCare": false,
"IsOtherExempt": false,
"WagesOverLmtAmt": 0,
"TotExemptWagesAmt": 20000,
"TotTaxableWagesAmt": 480000,
"FUTATaxBeforeAdjAmt": 2880,
"MaxCreditAmt": 0,
"FUTAAdjAmt": 0,
"TotCrdtRedAmt": 12960,
"FUTATaxAfterAdjAmt": 15840,
"TotDepositAmt": 15840,
"FirstQtrTaxLiabilityAmt": 0,
"secondQtrTaxLiabilityAmt": 0,
"ThirdQtrTaxLiabilityAmt": 0,
"FourthQtrTaxLiabilityAmt": 15840,
"TotTaxLiabilityAmt": 15840,
"BalanceDueAmt": 0,
"OverPaidAmt": 0,
"OverPaymentRecoveryType": null
"IRSPaymentType": null,
"IRSPayment": {
"BankRoutingNum": null,
"AccountType": null,
"BankAccountNum": null,
"Phone": null
"FinalPayRoll": {
"PersonNm": null,
"IsForeign": false,
"USAddress": {
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"City": null,
"State": null,
"ZipCd": null
"ForeignAddress": {
"Address1": null,
"Address2": null,
"City": null,
"ProvinceOrStateNm": null,
"Country": null,
"PostalCd": null
"ScheduleA": [
"StateCd": "VI",
"TotTaxableFUTAwagesAmt": 432000,
"CreditReductionRt": 0.03,
"CreditReductionAmt": 12960
Response Body
Field | Type | Description |
StatusCode | number | Returns the HTTP status codes like 200,300 etc. |
StatusName | string | Name of the status code. |
StatusMessage | string | Detailed status message. |
Errors | object[] | Shows detailed error information. |
Code | string | Returns the validation error code. |
Name | string | Name of the validation error. |
Message | string | Description of the validation error. |
Type | string | Type of validation error. |
Response JSON
Success Response - This is a sample response for successful API requests.
"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"Errors": null