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Version: 1.7.3


This endpoint is used to retrieve the status of the BOI Report created in TaxBandits. To get the status of the report, you'll need to include the Submission ID or Report Number in your request. The response will include the states listed below,

  • Created: BOIR has been created and has not yet been transmitted by the user.
  • Transmitted: BOIR has been transmitted by the user.
  • Accepted: BOIR is accepted by the FinCEN.
  • Rejected: BOIR is rejected by the FinCEN due to some errors. Please correct the errors and retransmit them.
Run in Postman

Request Params

SubmissionIdGuidProvide the SubmissionId (unique identifier created by TaxBandits for a submission) to identify for which submission needs to get the status.
Either SubmissionId or ReportNumber can be provided to Get the status.
ReportNumberstringProvide the ReportNumber (unique identifier created by TaxBandits for a report) to identify for which report to get the status

Request Params

Request using SubmissionId.


Response Body

StatusCodenumberReturns the HTTP status codes like 200, 300 etc.
StatusNamestringName of the status code.
StatusMessage               stringDetailed status message.
SubmissionIdGuidReturns the SubmissionId of the report.
ReportNumbernumberReturns the Report Number for which the request was made.
ReportTypestringThe type of the report created in the submission.
ReportStatusstringReturns the current status of the Report.
FilingReferenceobjectReturns the details of the report where its filed.
    FiledWithStringReturns the details where the report is filed.
    BOIRIdStringReturns the BOIRId received from the fincen.
    SubmissionTrackingIdStringReturns the SubmissionTrackingId received from the fincen.
    BOITranscriptStringReturns the BOITranscript once the return is accepted.
    FinCENIDStringReturns the FinCENID which is sent from the Fincen.
StatusTsstringDate and time of the report created.
RejectedBystringReturns the details of who has rejected the report.
RejectionErrorobjectReturns the reason for the rejection of report by the fincen.
    CodeStringReturns the Rejected error code.
    MessageStringReturns the reason for the rejection of the report.
Errorsobject[]Object that provides the collection of error information in the request.
    IdstringError ID number. This ID is assigned by TaxBandits and it is unique for each error.
    NamestringName of the errored node.
    MessagestringShows the description of the error message.

Response json

This is a sample response for successful API requests.

"StatusCode": 200,
"StatusName": "Ok",
"StatusMessage": "Successful API call",
"SubmissionId": "a232b5fe-b6cb-4bc7-a17a-0d907811e56c",
"ReportNumber": "109735",
"ReportType": "INITIAL",
"ReportStatus": "REJECTED",
"FilingReference": {
"FiledWith": "FinCEN",
"BOIRId": null,
"SubmissionTrackingId": "235235",
"BOITranscript": "",
"FinCENID": null
"StatusTime": "2024-07-22T06:49:48.4429266-04:00",
"RejectedBy": "FinCEN",
"RejectionError": [
"Code": "SBE02",
"Message": "Initial BOIR already has been filed for the reporting company, Multiple submissions for Initial Report are not allowed by FinCEN."
"Errors": null